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2013 June 5 - 11 [JCP]

Japanese Communist Party chair interviewed in Rolling Stone magazine

June 9, 2013
Japanese Communist Party Chair Shii Kazuo was interviewed in the July issue of the Japan edition of Rolling Stone magazine, which covers various stories related to music, politics, and fashion.

Rolling Stone magazine points out that Shii began tweeeting on Twitter in May, and said that the JCP “stands out among political parties for its consistent policy and its solid reputation.”

The interviewer said to Shii that politicians in the current ruling parties seem to think that they can do anything they want until the next election just because they have the force of majority. Shii in response said, “They arrogantly believe election results give them carte branches from voters,” and criticized the Liberal Democratic and Democratic parties for promoting a consumption tax hike and the Trans-Pacific Partnership free-trade agreement in defiance of their election pledges.

Shii said that this summer’s Upper House election will be fought between the JCP and the LDP as the DPJ lost the public trust and the Japan Restoration Party became a mere appendage to the LDP.

Shii ended the interview by saying, “We believe that we have a good chance of increasing the number of JCP seats in the Diet.”

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