LDP, DPJ, LP Dietmembers back up rightist history textbook

Dietmembers of the Liberal Democratic, Democratic, and Liberal parties, plus Independents are jointly commending the "New History Textbook," edited by the Japanese Society for History Textbook Reform glorifying Japan's war of aggression.

They established the "Association of Supra-partisan Dietmembers to Think about the History Textbook Issue." In its founding assembly meeting on June 26, they elected Nakagawa Shoichi (LDP Lower House member) chair, and Ueda Seiji (DPJ-LH) and one each from the Liberal Party, the Conservative Party, and Independents, as vice chairs.

In total, 46 Dietmembers; LDP (32), DPJ (4), LP (6), and Independents (4), including their proxies, attended the inaugural meeting.

The selection of junior high school textbooks is made by local boards of education. Public opinion calling for rejection of the "New History Textbook" is growing in many parts of the country.

The boards of education in Kunitachi City and Suginami Ward, both in Tokyo, have decided not to use the textbook in their schools.

Labeling these moves "extraordinary," the government and the Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Ministry are trying hard to block the public rejection. In parallel with this, the "Association of Supra-partisan Dietmembers" on July 11 demanded that the government "be tough" toward China and South Korea, both of which called on Japan to correct the text in question.

On July 24, the Board of Education in Shimotsuga district (2 cities and 8 towns) of Tochigi resumed its meeting to review its decision to use the history textbook. Then, the association stated that it is an 'unjustifiable intervention' for the public to call for retracting the board's decision.

The Dietmembers' association is further pressing the education ministry to investigate the matter and strictly guide related school boards. (end)
