Government's plan to reorganize special corporations will only add waste
The government has issued a plan to reorganize special public
corporations funded by the government and led by retired high officials.
The plan was approved on December 18 by government panels ostensibly to
streamline (abolish or consolidate) the 163 public corporations.
Fudesaka Hideyo, Japanese Communist Party Policy Commission chair, on the
same day stated:
"This is a major adverse revision rather than reform, because it will
reduce public works that help maintain the people's living conditions, while
maintaining many of the corporations related to dam construction and other
wasteful public works projects, which benefit large corporations.
For example, the corporation engaging in the construction of the Kansai
International Airport was left as it is in spite of the fact that a huge
deficit is expected.
The Development Bank designed to assist the government's massive
development policy that only feeds major corporations is kept alive. Oil
development by the National Oil Corporation will be safely replaced by
another organization.
But, public corporations positively working for the people's daily
living, such as the Housing Corporation and the Japan Scholarship
Foundation, are to be abolished." (end)