Does Japan's government continue to reject ILO recommendations -- Akahata editorial, November 26 (excerpts)

The International Labour Organization Council has adopted recommendations for Japan, stating that the Japanese government's policy of denying public employees the right to strike violates the ILO Convention.

This is an epochal recommendation and the Japanese government must accept it and immediately take steps to ensure public employees their fundamental labor rights.

The right to strike was guaranteed to public employees for some period after WWII. However, in 1948, the U.S.-led occupation forces ordered the Japanese government to rob them of their right to strike, and the government accepted the order. Japan's public employees have been deprived of basic fundamental rights as a remnant of U.S. occupation era.

It is almost half a century since public employees' right to strike was banned. Japan's government doesn't hint at changing the policy in its planned reform of the public service system and is even attempting to maintain the ban in the new century. This is very serious.

The latest ILO recommendations point out that Japan's current public service system violates ILO Conventions Nos. 87 and 98 guaranteeing the
Right to Organise and Collective Bargaining, and strongly demand that the Japanese government revise the relevant laws in accordance with fundamental principles of these Conventions.

The recommendations also urged the government to lift restrictions on public servants' basic labor rights.

The council recommended in detail that Japan's public servants (non-committed to state affairs) shall have the right to collective bargaining and to strike, and that fire fighters and prison employees be given the right to organize.

The recommendations also call on the Japanese government to enter into meaningful dialogue with the trade unions concerned with a view to bringing legislation into conformity with the obligations under the Convention.

We can't condone the fact that the Japanese government is still rejecting to accept the recommendations, saying that the ILO lacks understanding of Japan's real labor conditions.

Such a refutation is clearly refused by the ILO. Japan's government only reveals its corrupt nature throughout the world.

The planned civil service reform pursued by Japan's government against public need must be immediately withdrawn. The restoration of fundamental labor rights of public servants is of vital significance for the cause of advancing Japan's democracy. (end)