Citizens' rallies in opposition to 'National Foundation Day'

On the government-designated "National Foundation Day" on February 11, citizens held rallies in Tokyo and other major cities in opposition to the Day which was established in 1967 as a revival of old Empire Day in violation of the constitutional principle that sovereign rights rest with the people.

These rallies focused on the burning issues ranging from the proposed adverse revision of the Constitution and the Fundamental Law of Education, the prime minister's visit to Yasukuni Shrine, to the history textbook praising a militarist outlook.

In Tokyo, about 350 people attended an assembly that stressed the importance of teaching history based on facts.

In other major cities as Nagoya, Kyoto, Nara, and Sendai, citizens listened to lectures, attended meetings, and walked in demonstration.

In Yamaguchi City, trade unions and democratic organizations for the first time joined with religious people in a rally attended by about 200 citizens.

No government-sponsored "national ceremony" was held this year. (end)

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