![]() Public opposition to constitutional revision is strongly felt - Article 9 Association The Article 9 Association, which was set up a year ago by nine Japanese public figures, has announced a plan to hold a big rally on July 30 in Tokyo to further the movement to block the adverse revision of the Constitution, in particular its war-renouncing Article 9. The plan was announced at a press conference on April 22 in Tokyo, attended by Oe Kanzaburo (a Nobel Prize writer), Oda Makoto (critic), Kato Shuichi (critic), Ysurumi Shunsuke (philosopher), Okudaira Yasuhiro (constitutional scholar), Sawachi Hisae (writer), and Miki Mutsuko. The Association secretariat announced that 1,280 Article 9 Associations have been established in various localities throughout Japan. During the past year, the Assoiciation has held nine major assemblies in major cities attended by a total audience of more than 27,400. Kato said the number was much larger than expected. Oda said, "In Koichi Prefecture, the Article 9 Association has brought together a wide-range of people, including Communist Party and Liberal Democratic Party supporters. I feel strong winds blowing in opposition to an adverse revision of the Constitution." Kato said, "We want to continue the Article 9 Association's activities maintaining the objective of defending Article 9 by bringing together various social movements throughout the country so that they share a national perspective." (Akahata April 23, 2005) |