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Religious groups study Article 9 and walk for peace

People of faith who established the "Article 9 Circle of Religious People" in April had their first interfaith event on November 11 in Tokyo.

About 200 people, representing various sects/denominations of Buddhism and Christianity in defense of the war-renouncing Article 9, made a pilgrimage for peace through Chiyoda ward in central Tokyo, led by a banner reading "Article 9 defends peace." Some Buddhist priests carried banners that read "No killing, no war" and beat portable drums while walking.

The "Circle" also held a symposium at a Catholic church. A Buddhist monk from the Tendai sect warned that a frightening change is now taking place to turn Japan into a war-capable country.

Another monk, from the Nichiren sect, said that Article 9 does not belong to Japan alone but should be a treasure of the world. He called for the defense of Article 9.

A Catholic priest, who was atom-bombed in Nagasaki while in his mother's womb, said that his prayers are for peace and a world without wars. -- Akahata, November 7, 2005

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