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JCP issues statement on results of first half of nationwide simultaneous local elections
On April 8, the first half of the 2007 nationwide simultaneous local elections took place for 13 prefectural governors and members of 44 prefectural assemblies and 15 major city assemblies. The second half of the local elections will be held on April 22, in which 1,446 Japanese Communist Party candidates will run in 723 election districts of 608 municipalities across the nation.
Concerning the April 8 election results, the Japanese Communist Party Standing Executive Committee on April 9 issued a statement, excerpts of which is as follows:
In the first half of the nationwide simultaneous local elections held on April 8, the Japanese Communist Party won extra seats in 12 prefectural assemblies, but lost some in 13 prefectures. Overall, the total number of JCP seats decreased to 102 from 110 in the previous simultaneous local elections four years ago. While the JCP won no seats in Aichi, Fukui, and Kumamoto prefectures, it achieved significant results by regaining its seats in Tochigi, Mie, Tottori, Saga, and Miyazaki prefectures, where the JCP had no prefectural assembly seats in the previous term.
In the assembly elections in 15 major cities, the JCP won 124 seats. The number of JCP seats in 12 out of the 15 cities -- excluding Niigata, Hamamatsu, and Sakai that were designated as major cities after the previous simultaneous local elections -- are 105, an increase by one from the previous elections.
The JCP put up its own candidates or supported independent candidates in all 13 gubernatorial elections. Although none were elected, they made a good fight, and most of them, including the Tokyo candidate, considerably increased the number of votes obtained compared to the JCP-backed candidates in the previous elections. Other parties, including the Liberal Democratic and Democratic parties, failed to contest as responsible political parties in many gubernatorial elections. In contrast, the JCP fulfilled its responsibility by providing voters with alternatives aimed at a drastic reform in local governments.
The policies that the JCP called for during in the campaign in the first half of the simultaneous local elections were reasonable and met votersf concerns and demands. By stressing the need to have local governments fulfill their basic role of improving residentsf welfare and living standards, to put an end to their policy of promoting large development projects and giving subsidies to major corporations, and to defend Article 9 and peace, the JCP gained the support of many voters wherever its appeal was heard.
In this campaign, the JCP made clear to the public that what underlies local politics is the confrontation between the JCP and the so-called gall-are-ruling-partiesh setup created by the LDP, Komei, DPJ, and other parties. Throughout this struggle, the JCP displayed its true value as the only opposition party working for the interest of residents.
The JCP policies exerted major influence over the entire race, as symbolized by the Tokyo gubernatorial election in which even Ishihara, who was reelected, had been forced to talk about his greflectionh over his maladministration and to pledge to improve welfare policy.
Convinced that the JCPfs policies and campaign promises serve the interest of residents and are reasonable, the JCP will work hard to implement them.
With the House of Councilors election slated for the summer in mind, all parties attached special importance to this yearfs nationwide simultaneous local elections and fought them more intensively than ever. The LDP desperately tried to reconstruct its collapsing support base. The Democratic Party sought to establish a full-fledged footing in the first nationwide local elections after its merger with the Liberal Party. The Komei Party spearheaded the anti-communist attacks. These gall-are-ruling-partiesh forces tried harder than ever to banish the JCP from the political stage.
The fact that the JCP achieved victories in many constituencies despite the adverse circumstances has proved that opportunities are there for the JCP to make advances. It is important for the whole party to make use of the lessons learned in the upcoming second half of the simultaneous local elections. Although the JCP lost some seats in prefectural assemblies, it increased the number of votes by 14 percent from the previous simultaneous elections in electoral districts that are the same as before. The JCPfs advance depends on whether the JCP and its supportersf groups conduct campaigns that meet the residentsf demands and whether they display their full strength. - Akahata, April 10, 2007 |
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