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JCP-recommended candidate fought well in Kyoto mayoral election
A progressive candidate recommended by the Japanese Communist Party in the Kyoto mayoral election narrowly lost the election to a candidate supported jointly by the Liberal Democratic, Komei, Democratic, and Social Democratic parties.
In the Kyoto City mayoral election on February 17, lawyer Nakamura Kazuo, backed by the gAssociation for Justice Now to Change Kyoto City Administrationh that included the JCP, received 157,521 votes but was defeated by a margin of 951 votes. The opponent Kadokawa Daisaku got 158,472 votes.
Nakamura garnered 1.5 times the vote the JCP received in Kyoto City in the 2007 House of Councilors election. In contrast, Kadokawa received just one third of the total votes cast for the four parties in the same election.
During the campaign, Nakamura led the debate by stressing the need to stop squandering tax money on programs that have been implemented by the gall-are-ruling partiesh block under the pretext of the need to fight ediscriminationf that no longer exists in Kyoto. He also called for the cancellation of the wasteful expenditure on constructing three expressways that will lead to environmental degradation in Kyoto.
His call for a 10,000 yen cut in the National Health Insurance premium (per month for each household) and for an ordinance to raise the regional minimum wage to 1,000 yen an hour drew great attention by revealing that the city has slashed 35.8 billion yen from expenditures on education and welfare in the last 12 years.
The gAssociation for Justice Now to Change Kyoto City Administrationh attracted people from a broad political spectrum. During the campaign, former city officials and former school principals who used to be solid supporters of the mayor voiced criticism of the city administration. It was also noteworthy that former leaders of the local LDP supportersf association threw their support behind Nakamura. .
In Yomiuri Shimbunfs exit-poll, 68 percent (53 percent among LDP-voters and 80 percent among DPJ-voters) of the respondents said Kadokawafs candidacy was the gwrong choice.h
JCP Ichida comment
Commenting on the election result on February 18, Japanese Communist Party Secretariat Head Ichida Tadayoshi stated: gThe Kyoto mayoral election result has delivered a clear message that the eall-are-ruling-partiesf block cannot lead the city to a bright future. At a time when the government estructural reformf policy is increasing the poverty rate and widening social disparities, Mr. Nakamurafs appeal really meshed with the pressing needs of Kyoto citizens.h
Ichida stated, gIn this election, Kyoto citizens were infuriated by the LDP and the DPJ moving toward a egrand coalitionf at the national level and by the eall-are-ruling partiesf block in Kyoto joining forces to favor a candidate. The JCP and broad sections of independent supporters of Mr. Nakamura put up a good fight thanks to the Kyoto citizensf energy. This pushed forward the new political current that has taken shape since the 2007 House of Councilors election.h |
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