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2024 September 11 - 17 [JCP]

Shii in Europe talks with left-wing and progressive parties regarding international cooperation for peace

August 31-September 10, 2024

Japanese Communist Party Central Committee Chair Shii Kazuo, during his visit to Germany, Belgium, and France between August 31 and September 10, held talks with leaders of left-wing and progressive political parties.

In the talks, they exchanged views on the need to strengthen international cooperation for peace as well as on other challenges such as opposition to military blocs and the promotion of the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons.

Those with whom Shii talked include former British Labor leader Jeremy Corbyn, Germany’s Left Party (Die Linke) co-leader Martin Schirdewan, Secretary General of the Workers’ Party of Belgium Peter Mertens, European Left Party President Walter Baier, France Unbowed (La France Insoumise) party head Jean-Luc Melenchon, and French Communist Party (PCF) National Secretary Fabien Roussel.

Past related articles:
> Theoretical exchange held between Shii and Rosa Luxemburg Foundation [September 4, 2024]
> Shii speaks at Rosa Luxemburg Foundation-hosted international peace conference in Berlin [September 2, 2024]
> List of Past issues
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