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 Government budget screening cuts even things people need - Akahata editorial (excerpts)[Editorial] ( November 21, 2009)
 DPJ cabinet uses secret fund, too ( November 20, 2009)
 JCP protests DPJ for undemocratic steering of Diet ( November 20, 2009)
 Shii says it’s time for government to end subservience to the U.S.[Editorial] ( November 19, 2009)
 Finance minister urged to reconsider consumption tax hike (November 18, 2009)
 JCP Koike criticizes government panel’s cuts in tax spending ( November 18, 2009)
 Give up new base construction in Okinawa! - Akahata editorial[Editorial] (November 18, 2009)
 Government's budget-slashing measures raise many questions ( November 17, 2009)
 ‘Yanba dam money’ flowing back to LDP ( November 13 & 16, 2009)
 Don’t turn its back on Okinawans wish to remove U.S. bases! - Akahata editorial (excerpts)[Editorial] (November 15, 2009)
 Business leaders train new DPJ Dietmembers ( November 14, 2009)
 Japanese and U.S. business leaders ignore public opinion ( November 14, 2009)
 Why is DPJ hostile to Cabinet Legislation Bureau? Akahata editorial (excerpts) [Editorial] ( November 14, 2009)
 Small business managers/workers call for urgent relief measures ( November 13, 2009)
 How Cabinet Secretariat’s ‘state secret funds’ are used ( November 8, 2009)
 DPJ should respond to allegation of political donations Akahata editorial [Editorial] ( November 8, 2009)
 DPJ seeks a change in constitutional interpretations ( November 6, 2009)
 Four inconsistencies of DPJ-led government revealed  ( November 6, 2009)
 Government must act responsibly to meet urgent needs of the public: Ichida ( October 31, 2009)
 PM Hatoyama unable to have clear answer to key issues: Shii ( October 30, 2009)
 JCP Shii urges PM to act to fundamentally change policies ( October 30, 2009)
 Ozawa’s fund-raising party contradicts DPJ promise ( October 29, 2009)
 Cabinet members divided over U.S. Futenma base relocation ( October 28, 2009)
 Hatoyama delivers his first policy speech ( October 27, 2009)
 Hatoyama fails to specify how to address key issues: JCP Shii (October 27, 2009)
 PM no explanation about his political funds report ( October 27, 2009)
 Shii explains points to bring up for debate ( October 27, 2009)
 Progressive forum calls for strengthening of movement  ( October 25, 2009)
  Ozawa's“Diet reform”is criticized ( October 23, 2009)
 Eliminate corruption involving the use of ministry subsidies Akahata editorial (excerpts) [Editorial] ( October 23, 2009)
 More interpellation time requested for smaller parties in Upper House ( October 22, 2009)
 DPJ members complain lack of inner-party policy-making body ( October 20, 2009)
 DPJ policies criticized as inadequate in responding to people’s demands (October 18, 2009)
 FY 2010 budget request reaches record-high level ( October 17, 2009)
 JCP demands next Diet session to break through crisis of people’s livelihoods ( October 16, 2009)
 Keidanren to forego assessing 2 major parties’ policies this year ( October 14, 2009)
 Representations made for state budgets assisting people’s livelihoods ( October 8, 2009)
 DPJ Ozawa calls for reduction in Lower House committee seats ( October 7, 2009)
 Government panel recommends abolishing minimum standards for public services ( October 7, 2009)
 Consumption tax cut is necessary to protect people’s livelihoods Akahata editorial (excerpt) [Editorial] ( October 5, 2009)
 Komei Party in 10-year coalition period helped destroy welfare and peace ( October 4, 2009)
 Top 15 military contractors give 230 million yen in donations to LDP ( October 1, 2009)
 What will happen about political donations after power change? ( October 1, 2009)
 Parties received 440 billion yen in state funding  ( October 1, 2009)
 JCP finance is sound in sharp contrast with other parties ( October 1, 2009)
 LDP shows no sign of remorse for its misgovernment: JCP Ichida ( September 29, 2009)
 Probe into secret nuclear pacts must expose dark side of Japan-U.S. Security Treaty -- Akahata editorial (excerpts) [Editorial] ( September 28, 2009)
 Association to End Consumption Tax will increase grassroots movements  ( September 28, 2009)
 Big business pushing its demands on new administration- Akahata editorial  ( September 19, 2009)
 Mass media also eyes Japan-U.S. secret deal on N-weapons ( September 18, 2009)

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