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List of Past issues

 Political donations from corporations and organizations ( September 18, 2009)
  F.M orderd investigation into ‘secret pacts’ on nuclear weapons  ( September 18, 2009)
 LDP lacks self-criticism of the party policies  ( September 17, 2009)
 Hatoyama cabinet inaugurated ( September 17, 2009)
 JCP will play a role of ‘opposition party of constructive engagement’  ( September 17, 2009)
 Shii;JCP will constructively engage with new government ( September 11, 2009)
 DPJ, SDP, PNP agree to form a coalition  ( September 10, 2009)
 ‘Keep 9’ actions held nationwide on September 9th ( September 10, 2009)
 We look to a bright future by understanding the political direction in general historical context General election results and the role of the JCP as opposition party of constructive engagement  (September 9, 2009)
 JCP Ichida asserts real problem of bureaucracy-controlled politics’ (September 8, 2009)
 Need a government without fear to business leaders and the U.S.  ( September 8, 2009)
 Heaps of discarded ‘History of the LDP’ book ( September 7, 2009 )
 Government report recognizes Ainu as an indigenous people ( September 7, 2009)
 90% of DPJ’s revenue will depend on government subsidy  ( September 6, 2009)
 17.3 billion yen in government subsidy goes to DPJ (September 3, 2009)
 Tell us what went wrong Akahata ‘Current’ column  ( September 3, 2009 )
 How will new government deal with military budget? ( September 2, 2009)
 Ichida urges DPJ to come up with a plan to secure revenue sources  ( September 1, 2009 )
 JCP breakwater against a consumption tax increase Akahata editorial  ( August 28, 2009)
 JCP as highly capable of policy planning on science and technology ( August 27, 2009 )
 Young people angered by Aso’s gaffe ( August 25 & 26, 2009)
 This is pro-business politics as usual, ignoring people’s well-being ( August 23, 2009 )
 Independent diplomacy is pivotal to peace Akahata editorial [Editorial] (August 21, 2009)
 Anachronism of ‘Council on Security and Defense Capabilities’ report Akahata Editorial  ( August 8, 2009)
 Shii expounds on role of JCP as ‘constructive opposition party’  ( July 24, 2009)
 Ichida: Post LDP-Komei politics hinges on JCP advance in general election  ( July 20, 2009 )
 DPJ is unable to show any difference from LDP ( July 19, 2009)
 Upper House adopts a censure motion against PM Aso ( July 15, 2009)
 Opposition parties propose non-confidence vote against Aso  ( July 14, 2009 )
 JCP demands plan to deploy SDF to Island near Taiwan be cancelled ( July 12, 2009)
 Ichida calls for parliamentary investigation into illegal political donations ( July 7, 2009)
 Court confirms state responsibility for asbestos-linked death at U.S. military base ( July 7, 2009)
 JCP task force begins investigation on 'politics and money’ corruption ( July 3, 2009)
 Falsified list of donors exposes questionable donations to DPJ leader ( July 2, 2009)
 Hatoyama accepted over 300 million yen in donation from anonymous individuals (July 2, 2009 )
 DPJ leader Hatoyama accepted over 300 million yen in donation from anonymous individuals ( July 2, 2009)
 Ex-vice foreign minister to testify to the existence of secret arrangement  ( July 2, 2009)
 DPJ leader admits abuse of names in its list of political contributors  ( July 1, 2009 )
 Government should set goal to end poverty: JCP Koike (June 28 & 29, 2009)
 Parliamentary investigation urged into illegal donations involving LDP and DPJ ( June 26, 2009)
 Finance minister may have also accepted hidden corporate donations ( June 25, 2009)
 Politics that cannot say ‘NO’ to financial circles’ request Akahata editorial [Editorial] ( June 22, 2009)
 Revised immigration law violates foreigners’ rights ( June 21, 2009)
 JCP Kokuta says DPJ must come clean about illegal donations ( June 20, 2009)
 LDP goes against public interest by bulldozing through ‘anti-piracy’bills ( June 20, 2009 )
 JCP abstains from voting on bill to define brain death as human death ( June 19, 2009)
 Aso says consumption tax increase is essential for social services ( June 18, 2009 )
 The need now is to move away from postal privatization[Editorial] (June 14, 2009)
 Shii criticizes DPJ for evading questions about Nishimatsu scandal involving Ozawa (June 12, 2009)
 Law to establish procedures for constitutional revision must be abolished[Editorial] (June 12, 2009)

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