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 Shii stresses two basic stances the JCP maintained in Diet session (December 25, 2008)
 JCP calls for discussion by all parties aimed at solving crisis of employment (December 16, 2008)
 Government induces public anxiety by clinging to tax hike[Editorial] (December 14, 2008)
 Ruling parties railroad through two controversial bills in Lower House by overriding Upper House rejections (December 13, 2008)
 Shii criticizes abuse of Lower House majority to override Upper House rejections (December 13, 2008)
 JCP supports bill to review postal service privatization (December 12, 2008)
 JCP Ichida says Aso Cabinet is at dead end (December 9, 2008)
 JCP Chair Shii holds talks with Prime Minister Aso  ( December 6, 2008)
 JCP proposes one-on-one debate between Shii and Aso (December 2, 2008)
 Prime Minister and Opposition Democratic Party President Ozawa hold their first debate (November 29, 2008 )
 Aso’s elderly bashing denies publicly-funded health insurance system: Shii (November 28, 2008 )
 Heads of municipalities voice opposition to do-shu regional government system (November 27, 2008)
 Government and ruling parties agree to extend Diet session (November 26, 2008 )
 JCP chair says reducing the amount of deposit required for candidacy is a matter of democracy (November 22, 2008)
 JCP demands government regulate businesses preying on the poor (November 22, 2008)
 Stop the do-shu regional government system and improve local autonomy[Editorial] (November 19, 2008)
 JCP Ichida criticizes LDP and DPJ for trying to avoid key issues in Diet (November 18, 2008 )
 It is unconstitutional to use space for military purposes [Editorial] (November 16, 2008 )
 Shii calls for electoral verdict to be given on LDP-DPJ ‘grand coalition’ aimed at wrecking Constitution  (October 24, 2008 )
 JCP chair questions prime minister’s moral standards (October 24, 2008)
 True colors of DPJ (October 23, 2008)
 Ichida says DPJ is competing with LDP for wrecking Constitution (October 21, 2008)
 Political parties (except JCP) receive 8 billion yen in government subsidies (October 21, 2008)
 JCP in Diet urges government to stop assisting in U.S. war against Afghanistan (October 20, 2008)
 Supplementary budget enacted (October 17, 2008)
 JCP urges LDP to set up question-time session with JCP  (October 16, 2008)
 Reduce military budget to fund social services[Editorial] (October 13, 2008 )
 Nobel prize-winners are reminder of the importance of state’s role in supporting basic research[Editorial] (October 10, 2008)
 Is DPJ backing off from confronting LDP for the sake of early election? (October 9, 2008)
 JCP opposes supplementary budget (October 9, 2008)
 JCP Kokuta criticizes DPJ for putting party interests first (October 9, 2008)
 Aso: War dead enshrined at Yasukuni are divine souls (October 8, 2008)
 Prime Minister Aso bombards opposition parties with questions during his first policy speech (September 30, 2008)
 Aso does not have any sense of regret over misgovernment or offer any solution (September 30, 2008 )
 Aso does not know the public has power to end LDP rule (September 30, 2008)
 Japanese prime minister uses his U.N. speech to preach about virtue of Japan-U.S. alliance  (September 29, 2008 )
 Transport minister resigns 5 days after joining Aso Cabinet  (September 29, 2008)
 Aso Cabinet inaugurated (September 25, 2008)
 Shii puts an emphasis on change in politics imposing hardships on people (September 25, 2008 )
 Pro-Yasukuni lineup features Aso Cabinet (September 25, 2008)
 Re-elected Komei leader mentions nothing about the party’s responsibility for misgovernment (September 24, 2008)
 No future for LDP clinging to policy line that has reached an impasse (September 23, 2008 )
 JCP position on LDP presidential election and general election: Shii on NHK Sunday Debate (September 22, 2008 )
 JCP starts increasing effort to rally support in preparation for snap general election (September 17, 2008)
 Change policy to put the people first – Shii on TV show  (September 15, 2008 )
 Top 15 military suppliers donate 210 million yen to LDP in 2007 (September 15, 2008 )
 LDP is unqualified to take the helm of the administration[Editorial] (September 13, 2008)
 Political parties other than JCP received 44 billion yen in 2007 in government subsidy  (September 13, 2008)
 Journalists criticize media’s intensive reports on LDP presidential election (September 12, 2008)
 JCP requests TV stations to treat political parties impartially (September 9, 2008)

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