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 Ex-South Pacific island residents from Okinawa sue gov’t for war damages (August 16, 2013)
 Univ. in Okinawa marks 9th anniversary of US chopper crash onto its campus (August 14, 2013)
 US copter crash could pollute Okinawans drinking water source: Naha City Assembly (August 14, 2013)
 Okinawans’ 6,000 day-long sit-in blocking US base construction (July 11, 2013)
 Okinawa prefectural assembly wants all Ospreys out (July 12, 2013)
 State provides funds to local fisheries cooperative and gets approval for US base construction (July 9, 2013)
 Okinawans’ sit-in protest against US helipad construction reaches 6th year (July 1, 2013)
 Okinawans commemorate 54th anniversary of US plane crash at primary school (July 1, 2013)
 JCP succeeds in stopping use of Okinawa tax revenues to build US post office (June 29, 2013)
 High court rules resident’s protest as ‘obstructing’ US helipad construction (June 26, 2013)
 What past gov’ts did for return of Okinawa[Editorial] (May 16, 2013)
 Okinawa’s economic dependence on US bases drastically reduced (May 19, 2013)
 Over 10,000 Okinawans raise voices against gov’t ceremony to commemorate San Francisco Treaty (April 29, 2013)
 April 28, ‘Day of insult’ for Okinawans (April 27, 2013)
 US base to be built at Henoko in 2022 in spite of Okinawans’ opposition (April 6, 2013)
 Okinawans urge gov’t to give up landfill for building new base (March 19, 2013)
 Henoko fishermen want no more bases in fishing grounds (March 17, 2013)
 Nago mayor determined to win 2nd term to get new base construction cancelled (February 21, 2013)
 Okinawa to appeal directly to President Obama to remove Ospreys (February 23, 2013)
 US Navy worker arrested for alleged assault: Okinawa ( February 24, 2013)
 Okinawa investigates US helipad construction site in Takae (February 14, 2013)
 Okinawans suffer from Osprey’s noise and low-frequency emissions (January 27, 2013)
 MV22s go to Philippines from Okinawa for flight training (January 26, 2012)
 Okinawans demand return of public money spent on US military facilities (January 26, 2013)
 Okinawa’s municipal leaders rally in Tokyo for withdrawal of Ospreys (January 28, 2013)
 Okinawan delegation directly urges PM Abe to remove Osprey (January 29, 2013)
 DefMin faces strong protest in Okinawa (January 17, 2013)
 Defense ministry again abruptly submits EIA over base construction (December 20, 2012)
 Additional 288 residents seek halt to US flights over Futenma (December 14, 2012)
 Okinawans remain under constant threat of US crimes  (December 13, 2012)
 Half of Okinawa’s local gov’ts rally against Osprey deployment (November 17, 2012)
 Joint progressive candidate outvoted in mayoral election in Okinawa (November 13, 2012)
 JCP Ichida talks with Okinawa’s mayors on Osprey issue (November 6, 2012)
 Anti-US base candidate challenges incumbent mayor in Okinawa (November 5, 2012)
 Okinawans intensify protest against Osprey deployment (October 3-7, 2012)
 All Okinawa prefectural assemblypersons sit in to protest against Osprey deployment (September 29, 2012)
 Defense minister unwelcomed by Okinawans (September 12, 2012)
 Anti-Osprey deployment rallies held nationwide in solidarity with massive protest in Okinawa (September 11, 2012)
 Futenma base is not so dangerous: US consul remarks (September 7 & 8, 2012)
 Civilians who survived Battle of Okinawa sue gov’t for apology and compensation (August 16, 2012)
 Okinawan university damaged by US military plane crash opposes Osprey deployment (August 14, 2012)
 Kadena Town Assembly unanimously adopts resolution protesting US Raptor deployment (August 2, 2012)
 Okinawan academics say ‘No’ to Osprey deployment (August 2, 2012)
 Okinawans start sit-in protest against Osprey deployment (July 10, 2012)
 Sit-in against Henoko base marks 3,000th day (July 5, 2012)
 Defense minister visits Okinawa asking for approval of Osprey deployment (July 2, 2012)
 Defense minister acts as US gov’t messenger boy: Okinawan people (June 30 & July 1, 2012)
 All local assemblies in Okinawa resolve to oppose Osprey deployment (June 21, 2012)
 Naha mayor and assemblypersons ask JCP for cooperation to oppose Osprey deployment (June 23, 2012)
 Okinawans resolve to stop Osprey deployment: 67th anniversary of Battle of Okinawa (June 24, 2012)

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