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 Municipal programs to subsidize house renovations help local economies grow (April 20, 2017)
 Economic dialogue with Trump-led US would impose heavier burdens on Japan (April 19, 2017)
 Collapse of Toshiba proves pro-nuclear power policy at impasse[Editorial] (April 15, 2017)
 Abe gov’t moves to put Japan’s seed production into hands of multinational agribusinesses (April 11, 2017)
 Experts group petitions gov’t to have Japanese investors boycott businesses in Israeli settlements (April 6, 2017)
 Engel’s coefficient surges under Abe regime (February 25, 2017)
 Japanese SME rises up against arrogant Apple (February 25, 2017)
 Toyota receives 322.5 billion yen in R&D tax breaks over 3 years (February 24, 2017)
 New framework for bilateral talks will pave way for US interference in Japanese economy (February 14, 2017)
 Apple evaded 200 billion yen in taxes in Japan (February 11, 2017)
 Citizens rally to call for opposition to Japan-US FTA (February 10, 2017)
 Contrary to what Abe claims, business cessations hit record-high (January 27, 2017)
 Richest get richer, poor get poorer: international NGO report (January 17, 2017)
 Militarization of economy will lead to collapse of Japan: economics professor (January 12, 2017)
 JCP Diet debate victory leads to reducing taxation loopholes (January 5 & 7, 2016)
 Japan should not rush for TPP ratification (September 3, 2016)
 70% of Mitsubishi Motors subcontractors in Okayama suffer sales drop due to mileage data scandal (August 25, 2016)
 Abe’s economic policies force more SMEs to close down (August 13, 2016)
 Increase in dependence on consumption tax revenue will lead to ‘hollowing out’ of national finance foundation (August 9, 2016 )
 Abe’s new economic stimulus package will end up only increasing gov’t debts (August 3, 2016)
 Additional economic stimulus measures highlight Abenomics’ failure (August 2, 2016)
 BOJ should stop sticking to failed easy-money policy (July 30, 2016)
 Gov’t and BOJ surveys show harmful effect of Abenomics on people’s livelihoods (July 13, 2016)
 Large corporations accumulate internal reserves by taking advantage of tax cuts (July 8, 2016)
 PM Abe’s economic policy neglects small businesses (July 6, 2016)
 Number of executives paid more than one hundred million yen hits record high under Abenomics (July 5, 2016)
 Abe’s policy to have public pension fund buy more stocks causes huge loss (July 2, 2016)
 Shii: Abe’s argument about pre-Lehman crisis situation fits more with current state of Japanese economy (May 30, 2016)
 Mitsubishi fraud affects local jobs (May 25, 2016)
 Automakers’ ‘profit-first’ attitude leads to fuel efficiency fraud[Editorial] (May 23, 2016)
 Japanese firms and individuals cited in Panama Papers take so-what attitude toward their tax avoidance (May 11, 2016)
 Japanese billionaires transfer their assets overseas to avoid taxes (May 9, 2016)
 Japan’s debt for arms buildup snowball under Abe regime (May 7, 2016)
 99% of Japanese subsidiaries in Cayman Islands are shell companies: JCP Daimon (April 26, 2016)
 Top 40 Japanese billionaires double value of their assets under Abe government (April 19, 2016)
 Steep rise in Engel’s coefficient indicates quality of living crisis (April 15, 2016)
 Some prefectures estimate Japan’s rice production would fall due to TPP (April 14, 2016)
 JCP Kasai: Diet should reject TPP (April 6, 2016)
 Tokyo Univ. professor points out problems with TPP (April 3, 2016)
 ISDS provisions in TPP will cause damage to Japanese local economies (April 3, 2016)
 Business mood for big manufacturers falls (April 2, 2016)
 One so-called super rich owns as much wealth as 100,000 average income households in Japan (March 30, 2016)
 JCP urges gov’t-funded bank to not finance Indonesian project that is causing human rights violations (March 25, 2016)
 Abe should acknowledge failure of ‘Abenomics’ and cancel consumption tax hike plan[Editorial] (March 25, 2016)
 Failed ‘Abenomics’ should be canceled[Editorial] (March 13, 2016)
 Taxpayers opposing further consumption tax hike hold nationwide day of action (March 12, 2016)
 Gov’t data provides evidence of failure of ‘Abenomics’ (February 17 & 18, 2016)
 Abe gov’t seeks free hand to issue bonds in order to finance anti-people budget (February 1, 2016)
 BOJ’s minus rate policy underlines failure of Abenomics (January 30, 2016)
 Shii presents proposal for economic revitalization (January 28, 2016)

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