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List of Past issues

 ‘Special reconstruction zone’ intends to lure big business (July 10, 2011)
 Don’t use March 11 as excuse to cut jobs: DYLJ (July 9, 2011)
 Start developing renewable energy with full funding: JCP Inoue (July 8, 2011)
 Is it true that N-plant shutdowns will raise electricity rate? (July 8, 2011)
 Japan bar association in rally demands continuation of scholarship program for legal trainees (July 8, 2011)
 Genkai mayor withdraws approval of nuclear reactor resumption (July 8, 2011)
 Gov’t safety declaration on N-power plant discredited: Shii (July 8, 2011)
 ‘Special zone’ scheme will destroy traditional fishing order based on sustainability (July 7, 2011)
 Peaceful use of space may disappear from JAXA law (July 7, 2011)
 Kyuden president apologizes for manipulating opinion results on TV program (July 7, 2011)
 JCP forces PM into rethinking nuclear plant resumption  (July 7, 2011)
 Kan promotes top-down reconstruction plan (July 6, 2011)
 ‘N-power is a cheap source of electricity’ is a lie (July 6, 2011)
 On the 3rd Central Committee Plenum (July 5, 2011)
 Local mayor OKs restart of Genkai N-reactors (July 5, 2011)
 Reconstruction minister looks down on disaster-hit region (July 5, 2011)
 Okinawa gave 2.3 billion yen in subsidies for construction of US base facilities (July 5, 2011)
 Sit-in against US helipads construction in Takae marks its 4th anniversary (July 4, 2011)
 JCP in 3rd Plenum calls for nationwide movement to end nuclear energy (July 4, 2011)
 20,000 people in rally call for end to N-power generation (July 3, 2011)
 Local municipalities do not want FCLP at Mageshima Island (July 3, 2011)
 Kyuden attempted manipulation of public opinion in TV program (July 2, 2011)
 Tax used to buy public approval for nuclear power generation (July 2, 2011)
 Japan rice will be subject for speculation on futures trading (July 2, 2011)
 JCP calls for substantial debates regarding support for disaster victims in extended Diet session (June 23, 2011)
 Fukushima Pref. instructs its municipalities to not designate relief money as income (June 23, 2011)
 ‘Special fishery zone’ will further hurt damaged local fishery  (June 26-27, 2011)
 Gov’t reconstruction council proposes fishery deregulation (June 26, 2011)
 85 assemblymen in Miyagi ask for gov’t support for rebuilding destroyed homes (June 28, 2011)
 Gov’t panel chair and Takenaka stress ‘self-support’ of quake victims (June 28, 2011)
 JCP and primary industry organizations agree to shift to renewable energy production (June 22, 2011)
 Tax hike or higher electricity bills unnecessary for disaster compensation: business think-tank (June 23, 2011)
 Fukui’s 15 reactors are on active faults, with 8 over 30 yrs. old (June 23, 2011)
 Withdraw gov’t call to restart nuclear reactor operations: Shii (June 24, 2011)
 JCP has been calling for green power buy up policy: Yoshii (June 25, 2011)
 Fukushima residents demand nuclear-free Japan (June 26, 2011)
 Media and nuclear energy (June 27, 2011)
 Chugoku Electric Power puts pressure on Hiroshima TV (June 27, 2011)
 TEPCO executives receive additional salaries from related firms (June 28, 2011)
 Yamaguchi governor puts brake on N-power plant construction ( June 28, 2011)
 DPJ Gov’t agrees on Henoko relocation with US (June 22, 2011)
 Local authorities hostile to FCLP on Mageshima Island (June 22, 2011)
 Okinawa leaders protest against bilateral agreement to build US base in Henoko (June 23, 2011)
 Tokyo governor: Japan must be nuclear armed (June 22, 2011)
 Only 301 houses in Tokyo funded for quakeproof renovation (June 24, 2011)
 Joint struggle body to support JAL workers formed in Kyoto (June 22, 2011)
 Shareholder sues life insurance company president for political machinations (June 28, 2011)
 PM Kan OKs 10% consumption tax (July 1, 2011)
 Shii criticizes gov’t for pressing Saga for Genkai NPP resumption (July 1, 2011)
 Okinawa Prefectural Assembly resolves to oppose US parachute training exercises (July 1, 2011)

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