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List of Past issues

 Strong yen and overworked workers[Editorial] ( August 26, 2010)
 Legislation for compensation to air raid victims[Editorial] ( August 25, 2010)
 Isuzu forces workers to work excessively long hours ( August 25, 2010)
 Steps to prevent heatstroke deaths needed ( August 24, 2010)
 Why do so many Japanese feel uneasy? ( August 24, 2010)
 Residents call for continuation of public medical services ( August 24, 2010)
 Academy concerned with college students’ harsh job seeking efforts ( August 22, 2010)
 Effective measures to solve difficulties finding jobs for new graduates[Editorial] ( August 22, 2010)
 Anti-base mayor runs for Okinawa governor race ( August 21, 2010)
 Annual national education assembly ends ( August 21-23, 2010)
 JCP calls on Tokyo to cancel US forces’ participation in disaster drill ( August 21, 2010)
 A big gap between public funds to political parties and votes they received ( August 20, 2010)
 Politicians serving insurance industry as order-takers[Editorial] ( August 20, 2010)
 Yokohama City promotes US military to children ( August 20, 2010)
 JCP Dietmember talks with South Korean Dietmembers in Seoul ( August 19, 2010)
 One in nine public schoolteachers is a temp ( August 18, 2010)
 Don’t allow lodging business to profit from poverty![Editorial] ( August 18, 2010)
 Scarcity of public workers at labor-related administration ( August 17, 2010)
 DPJ leaders once sided with consumption tax hike opponents ( August 17, 2010)
 Bar association calls for tighter regulations on use of fixed-term contract workers ( August 17, 2010)
 Shii at Mindan’s ceremony pledges Japan-South Korea friendship ( August 16, 2010 )
 Air raid victims call on government to enact aid law ( August 15 2010)
 JCP statement commemorating 65th anniversary of WWII’s end ( August 15, 2010)
 Okinawan university calls for suspension of US military aircraft flights ( August 14, 2010)
 JCP urges defense bureau to investigate often-flooding river within US base  ( August 13, 2010)
 High court recognizes cause of ex-NTT employee’s death as overwork ( August 11, 2010 )
 National government employees’ wage to be reduced for second year in a row ( August 11-12, 2010)
 Further effort for nuclear weapons-free world determined in Nagasaki ( August 10, 2010)
 Naha City Assembly protests at indecent assault by a U.S. marine ( August 10, 2010)
 Kan repeats the need for ‘nuclear deterrence’ in Nagasaki ( August 10, 2010 )
 PM Kan in Hiroshima: Nuclear deterrence is necessity ( August 7-8, 2010 )
 2010 World Conference against A and H Bombs - Hiroshima Held  ( August 5 - 7, 2010)
 Minimum wages will rise 15 yen on average, still not enough ( August 6-7, 2010)
 65th anniversary of A-bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki[Editorial] ( August 6, 2010)
 U.S. marine arrested for indecent assault ( August 5, 2010)
 International call for immediate start of negotiations for total ban on nuclear weapons ( August 3, 4 and 5, 2010)
 Declaration of the International Meeting ; the 2010 World Conference against A & H Bombs ( August 5, 2010)
 Fuwa meets with CPC delegation ( August 5, 2010)
 Sympathy budget for U.S. forces golf course must not be allowed ( August 4, 2010)
 Shii comments on what JCP must learn from Upper House election ( August 4, 2010)
 Ichida points to danger of DPJ-LDP grand coalition over consumption tax hike  ( August 3, 2010 )
 PM calls for cuts in Diet seats before year ends  ( August 3, 2010 )
 JCP Vice Chair Ogata speaks at International Meeting  ( August 3, 2010)
 10% cut in national university budget[Editorial] ( July 31, 2010)
 Please do not cut university budget: student unions ( July 31, 2010)
 Unemployment rate for young people reaches the worst in history ( July 31, 2010)
 Koike talks with Tokyo University president regarding budget cuts ( July 30, 2010)
 High court rules Futenma base is dangerous  ( July 30, 2010)
 Ex-female SDF member wins redress for on-base sexual assault  (July 30, 2010)
 Only 2.7 % of consumer advisers nationwide are full-timers  ( July 30, 2010 )

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