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List of Past issues

 Case against JCP supporter for putting up election poster dropped (July 30, 2010)
 US wants additional sympathy budget ( July 29, 2010)
 Union calls for minimum wage increase for economic recovery ( July 29, 2010)
 Medical workers’ union holds its regular convention ( July 28, 2010)
 LDP accelerates move to increase consumption tax ( July 27, 2010)
 LDP accelerates move to increase consumption tax ( July 27, 2010)
 73% of nurses suffer from prolonged fatigue ( July 27, 2010)
 Kakushinkon holds 30th general meeting ( July 26, 2010)
 FTA, EPA will destroy what remains of Japan’s agriculture ( July 26, 2010)
 Alliance of Subordination Japan-US alliance and SDF – Part VIII ( July 26, 2010)
 Zenroren calls for change away from pro-business system (July 22, 23, and 24, 2010)
 DPJ seeks cooperation with Your Party ( July 23, 2010)
 Gov’t must take responsibility for unexploded ordnance disposal: Akamine ( July 22, 2010)
 Over 7,000 public schools in danger of collapse during quakes ( July 22, 2010)
 Opposition parties demand budget committee meeting ( July 21, 2010)
 100 years after Japan’s annexation of Korea ( July 21, 2010)
 Ozawa received donations from bid-rigging firms in Iwate ( July 21, 2010)
 Metropolitan gov’t conceals pollution data at fish market site ( July 21, 2010)
 Trade unions call for a better society (July 20-21, 2010)
 Is an SDF base at Djibouti only option against piracy?[Editorial] ( July 20, 2010)
 7 million Japanese could possibly die from overwork ( July 18 & 19, 2010)
 Child counseling workers cannot respond to rise in cases ( July 18, 2010)
 Voters express ‘No!’ to a tax hike ( July 18, 2010)
 Eradicating poverty is top priority: JCP Ogata at ICAPP ( July 18, 2010)
 DPJ government decides to extend SDF dispatch to Somalia for another year ( July 17, 2010)
 Shortage of 50,000 firefighters  ( July 16, 2010)
 Gov’t must listen to Okinawa’s urgent demand[Editorial] ( July 16, 2010)
 Kan gov’t agrees with IMF call to raise consumption tax to 22 % ( July 16, 2010)
 Citizens’ panel calls on prosecutor to indict Ozawa ( July 16, 2010)
 40% of public childcare workers are temps ( July 15, 2010)
 Don’t cut Diet seats - cut government subsidies to political parties! ( July 15, 2010)
 Gensuikyo receives message from NPT Review Conference President ( July 15, 2010)
 88-year JCP seeks people-based future(excerpt)[Editorial] ( July 15, 2010 )
 Keidanren calls for easing of arms embargo ( July 14, 2010)
 Workers call for 1,000 yen or more in minimum wage  ( July 14 and 15, 201)
 JCP issues statement on Upper House election results ( July 13, 2010)
 Ruling parties defeated ( July 13, 2010)
 SDF have 51 joint exercises with US forces a year ( July 13, 2010)
 Gensuikyo works hard for success of 2010 anti-nuke meeting ( July 13, 2010)
 Abolition of nuclear weapons based on NPT Review Conference outcome[Editorial] ( July 12, 2010)
 Power and steel plants are major greenhouse gas emitters ( July 12, 2010 )
 Okinawa Assembly calls for reexamination of US base relocation (July 10, 2010)
 Ogata attends US independence day reception ( July 9, 2010)
 Koizumi’s ‘structural reform’ policy revives under Kan - Akahata 'clear stream, muddy stream' column  ( July 8, 2010)
 For reliable childcare services(excerpts) [Editorial] ( July 8, 2010)
 Does Japan have too many public employees? ( July 7, 2010)
 Ogata attends outgoing Vietnamese minister’s farewell reception ( July 7, 2010)
 Ogata attends Venezuelan reception (July 6, 2010)
 Kan keeps making excuses for calling for consumption tax increase in debates between party leaders (July 5, 2010)
 US soldier arrested for negligent driving and failure to aid injured in hit and run (July 5, 2010)

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