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List of Past issues

 Nurses working longer nightshifts ( November 13, 2009)
 Small business managers/workers call for urgent relief measures ( November 13, 2009)
 Gov.intends to remove safety standards at public childcare centers ( November 13, 2009)
 Rally organizers urge government to refuse hosting new U.S. base ( November 12, 2009)
 40% of unemployed out of work for more than six months ( November 12, 2009)
 Movement demanding compensation for victims of wartime suppression ( November 12, 2009)
 Okinawans criticize Kanagawa governor ( November 11, 2009)
 Kokuta emphasizes need to review SOFA and remove U.S. bases ( November 11, 2009)
 Okinawans call on both governments to withdraw Futenma plan ( November 11, 2009)
 Hatoyama urged to regulate contingent worker layoffs ( November 11, 2009)
 Hit-and-run accident caused by U.S. serviceman in Okinawa ( November 10, 2009)
 21,000 protest relocation of U.S. Marine Corps base within prefecture ( November 10, 2009)
 35,000 people in rally urge government to protect jobs and livelihoods ( November 10, 2009)
 JCP Ichida supports foreign residents right to vote in local elections ( November 10, 2009)
 Farmers protest against Japan-U.S. FTA ( November 10, 2009)
 JCP Shii talks with CPC Wang ( November 10, 2009)
 How Cabinet Secretariat’s ‘state secret funds’ are used ( November 8, 2009)
 DPJ should respond to allegation of political donations Akahata editorial [Editorial] ( November 8, 2009)
 People rally against Futenma base integration with Kadena  ( November 8, 2009)
 JCP Fuwa gives second lecture on Marx ( November 7, 2009)
 Bar association criticizes crackdown on distribution of political fliers ( November 7, 2009)
 DPJ seeks a change in constitutional interpretations ( November 6, 2009)
 Four inconsistencies of DPJ-led government revealed  ( November 6, 2009)
 Activists petition U.S. embassy to give up plan for new base in Okinawa ( November 6, 2009)
 Dangers of U.S. helicopter base in Tokyo’s art museum district ( November 6, 2009)
 Dangerous pluthermal reactor starts up ( November 6, 2009)
 Okinawans want unconditional removal of Futenma base ( November 5, 2009)
 Labor authority rules unfair practice in JAL  ( November 5, 2009)
 Government urged to prohibit massive cuts in contingent workers  ( November 5, 2009)
 Minister decides to deregulate minimum standards for childcare centers ( November 5, 2009)
 Unpaid overtime work increases in large corporations ( November 4, 2009)
 P.M. criticized for being irresponsible on Futenma base issue ( November 3-4, 2009)
 U.S. Marines starts firing drill at the foot of Mt. Fuji ( November 3, 2009)
 Monthly salaries decline for 16 consecutive months ( November 3, 2009)
 Lawyers criticize opposition to tightening the use of temporary workers ( November 3, 2009)
 Government tries to abolish welfare assistance in exchange for free tuition ( November 3, 2009)
 A closer look at U.S. Futenma base’s ‘relocation’ issue How was it started?  ( November 1, 2009)
 Government must act responsibly to meet urgent needs of the public: Ichida ( October 31, 2009)
 10,000 people with disabilities demand abolition of ‘self-support’ law ( October 31, 2009)
 JCP Fuwa lectures on Marx at Tokyo University ( October 31, 2009)
 PM Hatoyama unable to have clear answer to key issues: Shii ( October 30, 2009)
 JCP Shii urges PM to act to fundamentally change policies ( October 30, 2009)
 Unionized workers demand government contractors decent wages ( October 30, 2009)
 Students seeking scholarships increase tenfold in 5 years ( October 30, 2009)
 Ozawa’s fund-raising party contradicts DPJ promise ( October 29, 2009)
 Okinawans protest against relocation of Futenma base within Okinawa ( October 29, 2009)
 Former official discloses U.S. motive on bases in Okinawa ( October 29, 2009)
 Law to help hepatitis patients must be established without delay ( October 29, 2009)
 Cabinet members divided over U.S. Futenma base relocation ( October 28, 2009)
 DM considers MSDF mission shift from anti-terrorism to anti-piracy ( October 28, 2009)

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