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List of Past issues

 Shii makes 3 pledges for peace on August 15th marking WWII’s end  ( August 17, 2009)
 Tax reform and Japan's future Akahata editorial [Editorial] ( August 16, 2009)
 Ichida emphasizes need to increase minimum wage to more than 1,000 yen ( August 16, 2009)
 JCP statement on 64th anniversary of WWII’s end ( August 15, 2009 )
 Okinawan university demands nearby U.S. base be closed immediately  ( August 14, 2009)
 3,000 farmers hold rally opposing Japan-U.S. FTA talks ( August 13, 2009 )
 Suginami Ward chooses history textbook praising Japan’s past war ( August 13, 2009)
 World Conference calls for grassroots action to get nuclear weapons abolished  (August 8, 9, and 10, 2009)
 JCP demands government break away from U.S. nuclear umbrella  ( August 10, 2009)
 2009 WORLD CONFERENCE AGAINST A & H BOMBS adopts declaration ( August 4, 5, and 6, 2009)
 Anachronism of ‘Council on Security and Defense Capabilities’ report Akahata Editorial  ( August 8, 2009)
 2,000 pledge to drive for a nuclear weapon-free world  ( August 7, 2009)
 A-bomb survivors and Prime Minister agree relief to all plaintiffs ( August 7, 2009 )
 PM.Aso criticized for clinging to U.S. ‘nuclear umbrella’ ( August 7, 2009)
 LDP and Komei call for larger administrative units as key policy ( August 6, 2009 )
 2009 World Conference call for global solidarity and actions  ( August 6, 2009)
 Shii;agreement with U.S. will destroy Japanese agriculture ( August 5, 2009)
 JCP Chair Shii meets with U.N. General Assembly President D’Escoto  ( August 5, 2009 )
 Shii calls for Japan breaking away from U.S. nuclear umbrella  ( August 4, 2009)
 DPJ calls for Free Trade Agreement with U.S. ( August 3, 2009)
 LDP promises tax increase and constitutional revision  ( August 1, 2009)
 Election policy ‘manifestos’ analyzed  ( August 1, 2009 )
 Four villagers in mountainous area set up JCP branch ( July 30, 2009 )
 Highlights of JCP platform for House of Representatives general election  ( July 29, 2009)
 Shii criticizes DPJ ‘manifesto’ ( July 29, 2009)
 Minimum wage increase is not enough to overcome recession ( July 29, 2009)
 JCP calls for a new Japan where the people are the protagonists  ( July 29, 2009)
 JCP call for TV debates gets favorable responses from other parties  ( July 28, 2009)
 Local mayor accepts additional U.S. military housing construction  ( July 28, 2009)
 JCP chair proposes holding public debates between party leaders ( July 27, 2009)
 Protest against visits to Yokohama by Japanese and U.S. warships ( July 27, 2009)
 55th Japan Mothers’ Congress held in Kyoto ( July 26-27, 2009)
 JCP proposes making high schools tuition-free  ( July 26, 2009)
 Parents and staff meet to discuss better childcare system ( July 26-28, 2009 )
 Ogata attends events Sandinista Revolution’s 30th anniversary  ( July 25, 2009)
 Shii expounds on role of JCP as ‘constructive opposition party’  ( July 24, 2009)
 Day of action calling for minimum wage increase held in Tokyo ( July 24, 2009 )
 Stop Tokyo public schools from using rightist textbooks ( July 24, 2009)
 Ogata speaks in solidarity in Nicaragua ( July 24, 2009 )
 Ogata meets with FSLN founder ( July 24, 2009)
 Active debates expected at ’09 World Conference  ( July 23, 2009)
 11 delegates from U.N. and governments to Conference against A & H Bombs (July 23, 2009)
 Ogata meets with Ortega in Nicaragua ( July 23, 2009)
 House of Representatives dissolved for August 30 general election ( July 22, 2009)
 JCP Dietmembers resolve to fight a historic battle ( July 22, 2009)
 Shii explains JCP position on nomination of prime minister  ( July 22, 2009)
 Ichida: Post LDP-Komei politics hinges on JCP advance in general election  ( July 20, 2009 )
 DPJ is unable to show any difference from LDP ( July 19, 2009)
 Call for permanent overseas dispatches of SDF Akahata editorial [Editorial] ( July 19, 2009)
 Former Nishimatsu president found guilty ( July 18, 2009)

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