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List of Past issues

 JCP statement calls for an end to LDP-Komei government  ( July 17, 2009 )
 Shii criticizes Hatoyama for revision of Three Non-Nuclear Principles ( July 17, 2009)
 Gensuikyo secretary discusses on World Conference against A & H Bombs  ( July 17, 2009)
 Using Japan’s tax revenues for ‘relocation’ of U.S. Marines Akahata editorial [Editorial] (July 16, 2009)
 Organizers call for breaking away from U.S. nuclear umbrella ( July 16, 2009)
 Staffing agencies force temp to block revision of Worker Dispatch Law ( July 16, 2009)
 Upper House adopts a censure motion against PM Aso ( July 15, 2009)
 Chief Cabinet Secretary says there is no secret agreements  ( July 15, 2009)
 Business circles call for arms export controls to be eased ( July 15, 2009 )
  JCP continues to struggle for a brighter future for all Akahata editorial [Editorial] ( July 15, 2009)
 Opposition parties propose non-confidence vote against Aso  ( July 14, 2009 )
 Bill to define ‘brain death as human death’ becomes law ( July 14, 2009)
 JCP leaders comment on Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly election results ( July 13, 14, 2009)
 All 7 JCP candidates elected to Nara City Assembly ( July 14, 2009)
 Kokuta criticizes Aso for not endorsing elimination of N arms ( July 13, 2009)
 8 JCP candidates elected to Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly  ( July 13, 2009)
 Government urged to retract denials of secret nuclear pact with U.S.  ( July 12, 2009)
 JCP demands plan to deploy SDF to Island near Taiwan be cancelled ( July 12, 2009)
 Citizens’ actions are vital to implement G8’s stated goals Akahata editorial [Editorial] ( July 10, 2009)
 Gensuikyo sends message to Non-Aligned Movement Summit  ( July 10, 2009 )
 Residents near U.S. Iwakuni base complain of intolerable noise ( July 10, 2009)
 Okinawa legislature demands immediate removal of US F-22A fighters ( July 10, 2009)
 No new law needed for inspection of N Korea’s cargo vessels Akahata [Editorial] ( July 9, 2009)
 Law to draw curtains on Minamata-disease issue enacted ( July 9, 2009)
 Gensuikyo calls on U.S. and Russia toward a zero-nuclear arms  ( July 8, 2009 )
 JCP urges government to make public secret nuclear pact with U.S. ( July 8, 2009)
 Bill to allow the SDF to inspect North Korean cargo ships ( July 8, 2009)
 Ichida calls for parliamentary investigation into illegal political donations ( July 7, 2009)
 Business leaders dictate what LDP and DPJ should call for ( July 7, 2009)
 Foreign Minister urged to make public secret Japan-U.S. nuclear pact  ( July 7, 2009)
 Court confirms state responsibility for asbestos-linked death at U.S. military base ( July 7, 2009)
 Government still describes Iraq war as justifiable  ( July 6, 2009)
 JCP requests NHK to broadcast election coverage based on facts  ( July 5, 2009)
 Lay bare all secrets related to Japan-U.S. Security Treaty Akahata editorial  ( July 5, 2009)
 JCP as the only opposition party in Tokyo Assembly election  ( July 4, 2009)
 Ogata meets with Tunisian Foreign Minister Abdallah  ( July 4, 2009)
 Ogata attends Algerian Independence Day reception ( July 4, 2009)
 Tokyo Assembly election to change national politics Akahata editorial [Editorial] ( July 3, 2009)
 JCP asks Japanese mass media for fair coverage ( July 3, 2009 )
 JCP task force begins investigation on 'politics and money’ corruption ( July 3, 2009)
 Shii attends Fourth of July reception ( July 3, 2009)
 Falsified list of donors exposes questionable donations to DPJ leader ( July 2, 2009)
 Hatoyama accepted over 300 million yen in donation from anonymous individuals (July 2, 2009 )
 DPJ leader Hatoyama accepted over 300 million yen in donation from anonymous individuals ( July 2, 2009)
 Ex-vice foreign minister to testify to the existence of secret arrangement  ( July 2, 2009)
 100 temporary workers win direct employment at Mazda ( July 2, 2009)
 DPJ leader admits abuse of names in its list of political contributors  ( July 1, 2009 )
 We will make big strides toward a nuclear weapons free world Akahata editorial  ( July 1, 2009)
 USMC helicopters frighten residents of Okinawa’s Ginowan City ( June 30, 2009 )
 JCP proposes relief for all Minamata-disease victims ( June 30, 2009)

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