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List of Past issues

 Shii submits to government an urgent plan to defend jobs and SMEs (December 5, 2008)
 Workers in rally call for fundamental revision of the Worker Dispatch Law (December 5, 2008)
 Union fights against IBM Japan’s 1,000 dismissal plan  (December 5, 2008)
 Residents demands that state pay damages for mental suffering caused by SDF shells (December 5, 2008)
 Contingent workers at Isuzu Motors form a labor union (December 4, 2008)
 New Japan Women’s Association has day of action calling for life free of anxieties  (December 4, 2008)
 Democratic organizations hold rally in front of the Diet ( December 4, 2008)
 Urge Obama to fulfill promise to abolish nuclear weapons: Japan Gensuikyo (December 3, 2008)
 Labor Minister promises to investigate Isuzu’s illegal dismissals (December 3, 2008)
 U.S. Marines on Okinawa training with Mine Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) vehicles ( December 3, 2008)
 U.S. Air Force conducts operation readiness exercise in Okinawa (December 3, 2008)
 USFJ makes another helicopter emergency landing (December 3, 2008)
 Residents foil ASDF Tsuiki base expansion plan  ( December 3, 2008)
 Tamogami question must be traced back to his appointment[Editorial] (December 3, 2008)
 JCP proposes one-on-one debate between Shii and Aso (December 2, 2008)
 Residents protest against Japan-U.S. joint military exercise (December 2, 2008)
 JCP announces proposal for remaking support system for disabled persons (December 2, 2008)
 Ichida: Government is responsible in regard to three points concerning jobs (December 1, 2008 )
 Disabled persons in rally call for abolition of ‘self-support’ law (December 1, 2008)
 1 trillion yen has been committed to U.S. military realignment (November 30, 2008)
 Stop all forms of support to war[Editorial] (November 29, 2008 )
 Prime Minister and Opposition Democratic Party President Ozawa hold their first debate (November 29, 2008 )
 Okinawa legislature adopts unanimous resolution: ‘Give us back our waters!’ (November 29, 2008)
 30,000 contingent workers are set to be unemployed (November 29, 2008)
 Aso’s elderly bashing denies publicly-funded health insurance system: Shii (November 28, 2008 )
 JCP requests Foreign Ministry to urge the U.S. forces to stop building off-base housing units (November 28, 2008 )
 Peace organizations urge government to bar U.S. nuclear-powered warships from entering Japanese ports (November 28, 2008 )
 JCP chair condemns terrorist attacks in Mumbai (November 28, 2008 )
  Labor prepares Spring Struggle to break through economic crisis and win a pay raise of more than 10,000 yen a month  (November 28, 2008 )
 Fiscal Systems Council calls for ‘big-boned’ policy line that will further deepen economic crisis [Editorial] (November 27, 2008 )
 JCP chair urges Isuzu to retract its dismissal plan (November 27, 2008 )
 JCP urges government to change policy to defend jobs (November 27, 2008)
 Heads of municipalities voice opposition to do-shu regional government system (November 27, 2008)
 Government and ruling parties agree to extend Diet session (November 26, 2008 )
 Government list shows over 38,000 tons of illegal food products were imported in 2007 (November 26, 2008 )
 JCP calls for early settlement of ‘comfort women’ issue (November 26, 2008)
 Japan to eliminate cluster munitions (November 25, 2008)
 Government should negotiate return of Okinawan waters closed off for U.S. military drills[Editorial] (November 25, 2008 )
 Government should negotiate return of Okinawan waters closed off for U.S. military drills[Editorial] (November 25, 2008)
 2,800 parents and childcare workers hold rally for better childcare (November 25, 2008)
 Article 9 Association holds its 3rd national exchange meeting (November 25, 2008)
 Over 5 million people signed ‘No consumption tax hike’ petition (November 23, 2008)
 Japan must commit to global anti-warming task[Editorial] (November 23, 2008)
 JCP chair says reducing the amount of deposit required for candidacy is a matter of democracy (November 22, 2008)
 Defense minister says selection of lecturers for Joint Staff College’s history program was not appropriate (November 22, 2008)
 U.S. nuclear-powered aircraft carrier George Washington again faces protest (November 22, 2008)
 JCP demands government regulate businesses preying on the poor (November 22, 2008)
 Stop cluster munitions holders’ attempt to maintain their munitions[Editorial] (November 21, 2008)
 Shii criticizes Aso for stating doctors lack common sense (November 21, 2008)
 Isuzu will fire all its non-regular workers before 2009 (November 21, 2008)

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