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List of Past issues

 Japan Federation of Bar Associations holds a rally calling for Worker Dispatch Law to be revised (November 21, 2008)
 Toyota keeps 13 trillion yen in reserve, enough money to employ temps as full-time workers (November 20, 2008)
 Lecturers for Joint Staff Academy’s history program praise Japan’s war of aggression (November 20, 2008 )
 Diet begins discussing bill to abolish notorious health insurance system for elderly (November 20, 2008)
 JCP requests that Toyota Auto Body offer temporary workers full-time positions (November 20, 2008)
 Court orders Okinawa’s local governments to stop using public funds for reclamation of tideland (November 20, 2008)
 Stop the do-shu regional government system and improve local autonomy[Editorial] (November 19, 2008)
 JCP calls on Toyota Kyushu for job security (November 19, 2008)
 JCP Ichida criticizes LDP and DPJ for trying to avoid key issues in Diet (November 18, 2008 )
 Health minister promises guidance on the issue of children living without health insurance (November 18, 2008 )
 600 bid farewell to late former JCP Vice Chair Ueda Koichiro (November 18, 2008 )
 G20 confirmed the need for stronger regulations on cross-border financial transactions[Editorial] (November 17, 2008)
 JCP mayor reelected as Kunimi Town mayor (November 17, 2008.)
 It is unconstitutional to use space for military purposes [Editorial] (November 16, 2008 )
 Zenroren recommended-nominee appointed to Central Labor Relations Commission (November 16, 2008)
 SDF academy head replaced over sexual harassment (November 15, 2008)
 Drive Aso Cabinet into a corner in the struggle to defend working people’s lives (November, 14, 2008)
 Day of action held calling for getting rid of worsening living conditions (November 14, 2008 )
 Rally held to start joint action calling for drastic revision of the Worker Dispatch Law (November 14, 2008 )
 Labor minister says government won’t appeal ruling on nurse’s death from overwork in Osaka (November 14, 2008)
 Government cash handouts will only cause burdens on local towns: JCP Shii (November 13, 2008)
 JCP in Diet urges government to press U.S. to fulfill commitment to eliminate nuclear weapons (November 13, 2008 )
 80,000 medical workers take part in national day of action demanding drastic increase in medical staff (November 13, 2008 )
 JCP chair urges cabinet chief to stop massive firing of contingent workers (November 13, 2008)
 New international signature campaign will pave the way for abolition of nuclear weapons[Editorial] (November 12, 2008)
 Ousted ASDF chief appears before the Diet (November 12, 2008)
 Defense Academy’s textbook describes Japan’s past wars of aggression as for self-defense (November 11, 2008)
 Japan Peace Committee requests U.S. base hosting prefecture governors to urge national government to make public secret Japan-U.S. deals (November 11, 2008)
 JCP urges Mazda to withdraw plan to lay off temps (November 11, 2008 )
 600 people hold a rally to urge Nichia to carry out its promise (November 11, 2008 )
 Bedridden-Korean Hibakusha wins health benefit lawsuit (November 11, 2008)
 Stop government from ignoring former Air SDF Chief of Staff’s improper conduct[Editorial] (November 9, 2008)
 Toyota stops evading law in its use of temporary workers after being exposed by JCP chair in Diet  (November 9, 2008)
 Stop scholarship loan program for students from being turned into student loan business (November 9, 2008 )
 Agriculture Ministry resumes auctions for imported rice but concludes unsuccessfully (November 8, 2008 )
 78 ASDF officers took part in controversial essay contest (November 7, 2008)
 Citizens’ organization urges defense bureau to return U.S. Naval facility site (November 7, 2008)
 Large corporations unilaterally stop hiring temporary workers (November 7, 2008)
 JCP Chair Shii: ‘We’ll see how Obama’s promise of change will be implemented’ (November 6, 2008 )
 NGO representative testifies: Sending troops increases terror (November 6, 2008)
 SME-bullying finance bill railroaded through Lower House  (November 6, 2008 )
 JCP Shii calls for nationwide effort to block consumption tax increase (November 6, 2008)
 Ex-vice defense chief Moriya sentenced to 2 1/2 years in prison for bribery (November 6, 2008 )
 Government panel calls for a consumption tax increase to 8%-16% in 2015 (November 5, 2008)
 Sending SDF helicopters to Afghanistan to assist in war is unconstitutional[Editorial] (November 5, 2008 )
 Aso’s economic package will only discourage people from spending money: JCP Sasaki (November 5, 2008 )
 Aso Cabinet approves bill to revise Worker Dispatch Law (November 5, 2008 )
 Japan’s suicide rate ranks eighth in the world (November 5, 2008 )
 241 accidents involving U.S. military aircraft occur in Okinawa between 2003 and 2007 (November 3, 2008)
 Can people today really enjoy art and culture? [Editorial] (November 3, 2008)

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