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 U.S. military housing being built outside U.S. bases (April 25, 2008)
 Hibakusha offended by U.S. forces plan to fly B-52s over Hiroshima (April 25, 2008)
 Toshiba promises to not continue discrimination of workers lasting over 40 years (April 25, 2008 )
 JCP in Diet demands nuclear-capable U.S. B-52 demo flight be cancelled (April 24, 2008)
 Suicide rate among SDF members returning from Iraq is far higher than that of U.S. soldiers (April 24, 2008)
 Unionists take part in nationwide action calling for increase in minimum wages (April 24, 2008)
 U.S. meatpacker shipped risky cuts of beef in violation of a bilateral accord (April 24, 2008)
 No more ‘sympathy’ budget expenditure for U.S forces in Japan![Editorial] (April 23, 2008)
 GSDF member arrested for murder (April 23, 2008)
 Court orders Toshiba to pay compensation for worker’s depression  (April 23, 2008)
 New medical system will discourage doctors from providing life-support treatment (April 23, 2008)
 JCP criticizes government’s reaction to high court ruling on ASDF mission in Iraq  ( April 22, 2008)
 Ex-defense official’s corruption trial begins (April 22, 2008)
 Toyota forces non-regular workers to perform ‘voluntary’ activities (April 22, 2008)
 Shii attends dinner for South Korean president  (April 22, 2008)
 All JCP candidates returned in April 20 local elections (April 22, 2008)
 Young lawmakers in pro-national defense caucus resume activities (April 21, 2008)
 JCP agricultural revitalization policy warmly discussed in Akita (April 21, 2008)
 Japan’s official development assistance should be directed at combating poverty[Editorial] (April 21, 2008)
 Medical associations in 10 prefectures oppose discriminatory healthcare for people aged 75 and older  (April 20, 2008)
 Accept court decision and pull SDF out of Iraq now[Editorial] (April 19, 2008)
 Foreign minister dismisses high court judge over ruling (April 19, 2008)
 Shii hold talks with Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi  (April 19, 2008)
 SDF activities in Iraq violate the Constitution: high court (April 18, 2008)
 Japan paying highway tolls for U.S. soldiers’ visits to Tokyo Disney Resort (April 18, 2008)
 Dismissal of whistleblower for poor tunneling withdrawn (April 18, 2008)
 Five party representatives call for ban on use of temporary workers for day labor (April 18, 2008)
 76 civil engineers sent to assist in SDF operations in Afghanistan and Iraq (April 17, 2008)
 JCP proposes cuts in expensive tuitions (April 17, 2008)
 Okinawa urges government to reinsert the fact of ‘military coercion’ in textbooks (April 17, 2008)
 40% of low-income earners are hesitant to go to see doctor (April 16, 2008)
 Japan has many things to do to break through global food crisis[Editorial] (April 16, 2008)
 Over half of medical workers want to quit their jobs: survey (April 16, 2008)
 Okinawans in Tokyo demand drastic review of Japan-U.S. Status of U.S. Forces Agreement (April 15, 2008)
 Okinawa’s local assembly protests against U.S. forces’ accidental dropping of bombs (April 15, 2008)
 Citizens rally in protest against U.S. serviceman’s murder of taxi driver (April 15, 2008)
 All 23 JCP candidates elected in 10 local assembly elections (April 15, 2008)
 New association established in Tokyo to consider U.S. Yokota Air Base issue (April 13, 2008)
 Symposium held to enact a new law to cut greenhouse gases (April 13, 2008)
 Part-timers at pub-restaurant win late-night premiums in back pay (April 13, 2008)
 Stop U.S. nuclear aircraft carrier from being deployed to Yokosuka [Editorial] (April 12, 2008)
 Supreme Court restricts freedom of expression (April 12, 2008)
 SDF men received training at U.S. bases in Okinawa 81 times in 3 years (April 11, 2008)
 Journalists protest against pressure to ban documentary film (April 11, 2008)
 JCP proposes the bill for revision of the Worker Dispatch Law (April 11, 2008)
 Put N-weapons abolition on the G8 Summit agenda: Gensuikyo (April 10, 2008)
 Hibakusha demands government apology and recognition of all plaintiffs with A-bomb related diseases (April 10, 2008)
 'In a private capacity' he attended political party: NHK official says (April 10, 2008)
 JCP agricultural revitalization policy warmly accepted in Niigata (April 10, 2008)
 JCP Dietmembers protest U.S. over frequent occurrence of U.S. military crimes (April 9, 2008)

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