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 Japanese and South Korean media workers determined not to encourage ultra-nationalist movements in their reporting (September 29, 2019)
 2019 defense white paper stresses need to enhance cross-domain operation capabilities (September 28, 2019)
 JCP Kira talks with group of young researchers (September 28, 2019)
 Shii issues statement regarding agreement in Japan-US trade talks (September 27, 2019)
 Overtime work violations found in 40% of inspected firms (September 27, 2019)
 Gov't discourages artistic expression by withdrawing subsidies (September 26 & 27, 2019)
 This week's JCP international activities (September 25 & 27, 2019)
 Abe gov't should meet the demand of the young to find solutions to climate crisis[Editorial] (September 26, 2019)
 Joint efforts of JCP and parents contribute to air-conditioning of almost all public school classrooms (September 26, 2019)
 Papers filed with prosecutors against unidentified captain of crashed US Osprey military aircraft (September 25, 2019)
 Environment minister's remarks at UN Climate Summit are irresponsible: JCP Koike (September 25, 2019)
 Former high SDF officer: Dialogue is important to ease tensions between Japan and South Korea (September 24, 2019)
 Education minister allegedly received political donations in violation of the law (September 23, 2019)
 Antinuke conference will be held in NYC in April 2020 (September 22, 2019)
 More than 5,000 young people in Japan join ‘Global Climate March’ (September 21, 2019)
 Number of university students covered by gov’t financial support will be reduced by half (September 21, 2019)
 Ishigaki islanders seek referendum on deployment of GSDF missile base (September 20, 2019)
 Court acquits 3 ex-TEPCO executives of negligence in failing to prevent Fukushima nuclear meltdowns (September 20, 2019)
 JCP promises to work to have Korean preschools covered by gov’t free preschool education program (September 20, 2019)
 Opposition parties call for Diet discussions on measures to support typhoon victims (September 18&19, 2019)
 In 4 years under war laws, Japan-US military cooperation further enhanced (September 19, 2019)
 Okinawans’ protest pushes US military into giving up on training drills (September 18, 2019)
 Farmers begin drive to collect signatures calling for protection of family farming (September 18, 2019)
 Concern is growing over Japan's new standardized university entrance exam system (September 18, 2019)
 Rally held to not forget lessons learned from 1923 massacre of Koreans in Tokyo (September 17, 2019)
 JCP will hold 28th Congress in January 2020 (September 16, 2019)
 Japanese physicians against nuclear war will work to step up ‘Don’t Bank on Bomb’ campaign (September 15, 2019)
 Wartime Japanese naval ensign brings back bitter memories in countries invaded by Japan (September 14, 2019)
 JCP agrees on cooperation with 'Reiwa' toward creation of coalition gov't of opposition parties (September 13, 2019)
 Japan’s ‘sympathy budget’ may be indirectly used to construct Trump’s US-Mexico border wall (September 12, 2019)
 Rightwing parliamentarians’ group members make up majority of Abe’s new Cabinet (September 12, 2019)
 Naha court rejects plaintiffs’ request to halt flights by US military aircraft, cuts damages for noise pollution (September 12, 2019)
 More than 60% of freelancers experience 'power harassment' (September 11, 2019)
 Unions concerned about 1-year employment system for non-regular public workers (September 11, 2019)
 1/3 of corals transplanted due to Henoko base construction died (September 11, 2019)
 Opposition candidate winner in Iwate gubernatorial election (September 10, 2019)
 Rally held to promote grassroots-based solidarity between Japan and South Korea (September 8, 2019)
 Hitachi punished for using foreign trainees in violation of law (September 8, 2019)
 Magazine fanning anti-Korea sentiment provokes fierce backlash (September 4 & 7, 2019)
 Online job information site operator instructed on privacy abuse (September 7, 2019)
 Shii answers questions by South Korean newspaper about soured Tokyo-Seoul relationship  (September 7, 2019)
 JCP wages one-week long nationwide campaign to stop consumption tax hike to 10% (September 6, 2019)
 Tokyo 2020 organizers refuse to ban flag symbolizing Japan’s war of aggression at Summer Games venues (September 5, 2019)
 JCP survey: US military aircraft fly over Nagano at low-altitude in violation of Japan-US agreement (September 5, 2019)
 Vietnamese trainees engaged in Fukushima decontamination work sue for damages (September 5, 2019)
 FY2020 budget requests put military buildup before improving people’s lives[Editorial] (September 4, 2019)
 'No harm done' is unacceptable reason for Japan to overlook accidental dropping of US military plane part[Editorial] (September 3, 2019)
 Right-wing lawmaker makes yet another remark suggesting war over territorial issues (September 3, 2019)
 Number of universities applying for state subsidies for military-related R&D drops (September 2, 2019)
 Civil group for a death penalty-free Japan inaugurated (September 1, 2019)

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