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 Dialogue in sincere manner is important: JCP Kokuta in meeting with S. Korean parliamentarians (August 1, 2019)
 Labor Ministry’s panel turns its back on workers’ demand for minimum hourly wage increase to \1,000 nationwide (August 1, 2019)
 JCP Dietmembers investigate hunger strike at immigration detention center (August 1, 2019)
 Tokio Marine & Nichido Ltd. decides to stop illegal use of flexible work schedule (July 31, 2019)
 148,000 signatures submitted to oppose construction of palm oil power plant in Miyagi (July 31, 2019)
 Late US strategist’s ominous prediction on nuclear war (July 30, 2019)
 Abe gov’t seeks to promote business-oriented policy on gig work (July 30, 2019)
 Opposition party Dietmembers call on local gov'ts to refuse new Haneda flight routes (July 30, 2019)
 With only one-fifth voter support, PM Abe says he won strong public trust (July 29, 2019)
 Osprey flights with guns pointing downward toward residential areas increase (July 28, 2019)
 Link between declining birthrate and financial difficulties documented in gov’t white paper (July 28, 2019)
 JCP Yamaguchi demands that governor retract landfill permit for Kaminoseki NPP (July 27, 2019)
 Revised guidelines: Japan has no power over investigations of US military aircraft accidents in Japan (July 26, 2019)
 Majority of bar associations call for drastic minimum wage hike and elimination of regional income gaps (July 26, 2019)
 House of Councilors will undergo renovation for newly-elected members with severe disabilities (July 26, 2019)
 3rd year commemoration of disability hate crime reminds need for society endorsing mutual respect[Editorial] (July 26, 2019)
 Hiroshima JCP protests against Osprey flight over A-bomb Dome (July 25, 2019)
 It’s high time Abe gov’t accepts Okinawans’ firm opposition to Henoko base project[Editorial] (July 25, 2019)
 All nuclear reactors in Fukushima will be decommissioned (July 25, 2019)
 Pro-Constitution movement enters critical stage: political scholar (July 24, 2019)
 JCP Standing Executive Committee issues statement on Upper House election results (July 23, 2019)
 PM Abe determined to restore 2/3 majority in Upper House to achieve constitutional revision (July 23, 2019)
 Opposition deters constitutional revisionists from winning two thirds majority in Upper House[Editorial] (July 23, 2019)
 Shii: JCP may work together with Reiwa party (July 23, 2019)
 2019 World Conference will give momentum to anti-nuke movement in run-up to key events in 2020[Editorial] (July 22, 2019)
 Osaka-based rightist political party misuses parliamentary allowances (July 21, 2019)
 JCP Vice Chair Tamura on BS news programs talks about JCP policy proposals (July 20, 2019)
 JCP election broadcast most friendly to voters with hearing impairment (July 20, 2019)
 Elderly disabled persons suffer financial pain under Abe gov’t’s cutbacks in public nursing-care program (July 19, 2019)
 Abe gov't discourages municipalities' medical subsidy programs for children (July 19, 2019)
 What is pension reserve of 192.7 trillion yen for? (July 19, 2019)
 Symposium held to talk about issue of unpaid doctors at university hospitals  (July 18, 2019)
 Abe in praise of job growth, but it is largely due to insufficient pension benefits (July 18, 2019)
 Teaching license renewal system reminiscent of wartime Japan (July 18, 2019)
 Ex-LDP secretary general: Japan is ‘Monarchy’ (July 17, 2019)
 Tokyo teachers’ manual for sex education improved beyond Education Ministry’s guidelines (July 17, 2019)
 People in their 20s in event discuss issue of wartime military comfort women (July 15, 2019)
 LDP lawmaker refers to his colleague’s giving birth as ‘greatest achievement’ in her term of office (July 14, 2019)
 Don’t send SDF to work with Trump’s ‘coalition of willing’ against Iran: Shii (July 13, 2019)
 Abe gov’t’s insufficient support for SMEs poses obstacle to implementing higher minimum wage (July 13, 2019)
 Abe offers apology to victims of gov’t segregation policy regarding leprosy patients (July 13, 2019)
 LDP’s campaign broadcast message full of deceptive propaganda (July 12, 2019)
 With future economic benefits in mind, general contractors cozy up to LDP candidate in Upper House election (July 12, 2019)
 Japan will restrict exports to S. Korea as retaliatory step over the issue of Korean forced laborers (July 11, 2019)
 Abe plays the yes-man to Trump at G20 summit in regard to GHG emission cuts (July 11, 2019)
 Abe brags about his agricultural policies based on misleading data (July 11, 2019)
 Abe government to cut its payroll by 30,000 workers (July 11, 2019)
 JCP Tamura on web TV debate calls for gender equality (July 10, 2019)
 Gov’t decides not to appeal court order to pay damages to families of leprosy patients (July 10, 2019)
 This year’s anti-nuke World Conference prelude to year 2020: Gensuikyo secretary general (July 9, 2019)

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