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List of Past issues

 US marine arrested for assaulting man in Tokyo (July 14, 2019)
 'Save \20 million for your old age' report surfaces as political focus (June 13, 2019)
 Opposition parties to LDP: Don’t sidestep debate in both houses’ Budget Committee meetings (June 13, 2019)
 Criticism growing against PM Abe’s avoidance of discussions in Budget Committee in both Houses (June 13, 2019)
 Protest against sexual violence take place in 10 locations nationwide (June 12, 2019)
 Goodbye to required wearing of high-heeled shoes (June 12, 2019)
 JCP Tamura to gov’t: Ensure children with health problems access to medical care (June 12, 2019)
 Young people march in demonstration through Harajuku, calling for new politics (June 11, 2019)
 Koike grills PM Abe about gov’t report admitting to insufficient pension benefits (June 11, 2019)
 Local residents angry over false data concerning Aegis Ashore deployment plan (June 6 and 9, 2019)
 Families with children with chronic health conditions need more short-stay facilities (June 9, 2019)
 Japanese and Korean trade unions unite in Tokyo to work for peace (June 8, 2019)
 Closure of Futenma base is only way to eliminate accidents involving US military aircraft: JCP Akamine (June 8, 2019)
 Religious leaders call for nuclear-free Japan and nuclear-free Korean Peninsula (June 8, 2019)
 JCP issues policy proposal to protect franchise owners from exploitative practices of convenience store companies (June 8, 2019)
 Citizens and suprapartisan lawmakers team up to achieve dual-surname system (June 7, 2019)
 Flights of US military aircraft threaten Okinawa children’s safety (June 7, 2019)
 Minimum wage hike to 1,500 yen across country necessary to cover basic daily needs: labor union survey (June 7, 2019)
 JCP criticizes government bill for leading to destruction of national forests (June 6, 2019)
 US military helicopter drops part on schoolyard of junior high school in Okinawa (June 6, 2019)
 Gender equality and individual dignity added to JCP election platform (June 6, 2019)
 Rally held to press government to ratify Optional Protocol to CEDAW (June 5, 2019)
 Opposition parties submit marriage equality bill to Lower House (June 4, 2019)
 ‘To raise children is important service to state’ seems to be common belief among LDP (June 3, 2019)
 Japan should drastically shift to renewable energy[Editorial] (June 3, 2019)
 JCP: Tiananmen Square Incident has nothing to do with socialism (June 2, 2019)
  US military personnel assigned to Yokota AB causes drunken driving accident  (June 1, 2019)
 Chiba JCP urges Defense Ministry to cancel plan to deploy SDF Ospreys to Chiba (June 1, 2019)
 Majority of dementia patients’ families dissatisfied with public nursing-care insurance program (May 31, 2019)
 Opposition parties affirm common pledges for Upper House election (May 30, 2019)
 Water around US bases in Okinawa contaminated with PFOS/PFOA (May 30, 2019)
 One in four foreign detainees placed in confinement for more than 18 months (May 30, 2019)
 Abe and Trump inspect SDF warship to put on public display strong Japan-US military alliance (May 29, 2019)
 Japan-US secret pact allows over 80% of crimes committed by US servicemen to be dropped (May 29, 2019)
 Court rules forced sterilization unconstitutional but dismisses victims' claim for damages (May 29, 2019)
 NHK’s excessive coverage of Trump’s visit to Japan (May 28, 2019)
 Abe and Trump supposedly agree to conclude new free-trade deal after Japan’s Upper House election (May 28, 2019)
 JCP Koike criticizes gov't for downplaying US subcritical N-test (May 28, 2019)
 USAF civilian worker in Okinawa arrested in connection with fatal crash (May 27 2019)
 Hiroshima Hibakusha send Trump letter in protest against US nuclear test (May 26&27, 2019)
 Rally held to push Abe government to give up on increasing consumption tax rate to 10% (May 25, 2019)
 TEPCO decides to freeze its plan to have foreign workers engage in decommissioning work at Fukushima Daiichi NPP (May 24, 2019)
 Tokyo court nullifies Shukutoku University dismissal of 3 professors (May 24, 2019)
 Cruel working conditions at Olympic construction sites (May 23, 2019)
 Number of workplace accidents involving foreign workers increasing (May 23, 2019)
 Japan should squarely tackle plastic waste issue[Editorial] (May 23, 2019)
 JCP publishes Upper House election platform seeking to restore hope in improving people’s livelihoods (May 23, 2019)
 JCP member chosen as joint opposition candidate in Fukui in Upper House election (May 22, 2019)
 JCP and Japan bar association agree to aim for society where everyone can live in peace (May 22, 2019)
 Koike: Abe acts as if Japan has healthy economy (May 21, 2019)

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