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List of Past issues

 JCP publishes five-point proposal to create a peaceful Japan making best use of pacifist Constitution (October 15, 2018)
 Abe gov't refers to new trade talks with US as TAG, not FTA (October 12 & Akahata Sunday edition Octo)
 Hibakusha protest against US subcritical nuclear test (October 11-14, 2018)
 45 years of Yokosuka, the homeport of US aircraft carrier[Editorial] (October 13, 2018)
 Report suggests Abe legalized casino operations in Japan due to US pressure (October 12, 2018)
 Number of ‘Hibakusha Appeal’ signatures sent to UN exceeds 8.3 million (October 12, 2018)
 Japan should respond to new UN climate report’s call for cuts in carbon emissions[Editorial] (October 11, 2018)
 Number of working poor remains above 10 million for 12 years in a row (October 11, 2018)
  Public support for dual surnames reaches record high, but Justice Ministry neglects to mention  (October 11, 2018)
 Opposition parties and new Okinawa governor confirm commitment to work for Okinawa without Henoko base (October 10, 2018)
 Okinawans mourn former Governor Onaga who resisted Henoko project (October 10, 2018)
 Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly passes ordinance to ban discrimination against LGBTQ (October 6, 2018)
 JCP and farmers move authorities to subsidize up to 90% of costs for recovery from natural disasters (October 6, 2018)
 This week's JCP international activities (October 4&6, 2018)
 Diet should begin discussing constitutional revision: Abe's close aide (October 5, 2018)
 Anti-base candidate's victory in Okinawa governor race attracts overseas media attention (October 5, 2018)
 Amid concerns over pollution, new market will open at Toyosu (October 5, 2018)
 Nobel Medicine Prize winner calls for increase in government budget for basic research[Editorial] (October 5, 2018)
 Education Minister in right-leaning new Abe Cabinet supports 1890 Rescript on Education[Editorial] (October 4, 2018)
 Reshuffled Abe Cabinet reflects Abe's rightwing, anti-constitution position: JCP Koike (October 3, 2018)
 Zenroren takes to streets in solidarity with global action for higher minimum wages (October 3, 2018)
 Okinawans again choose opponent of Henoko project as their governor (October 2, 2018)
 Abe gov't makes mockery of Okinawa's election result: JCP Koike (October 2, 2018)
 Anti-base Okinawans achieve historic victory in Okinawa governor race: JCP Chair Shii (October 1, 2018)
 More and more elderly people driven into poverty under Abe’s welfare cutback policy (October 1, 2018)
 Koike criticizes Abe for excessive subservience to Trump in US weapons purchase (September 29 & 30, 2018)
 NHK ‘contract staff’ recognized as 'worker' as specified in Labor Union Law (September 29, 2018)
 Suspension of ‘Shincho 45’ magazine raises fresh question over publishers’ role in regard to LGBTQ rights (September 29, 2018)
 Japan-DPRK talks should take place based on 2002 Pyongyang Declaration: JCP Chair Shii (September 28, 2018)
 Mitsubishi Electric abolishes discretionary work system (September 28, 2018)
 Tokyo governor responds to JCP proposal to install more A/Cs in school gyms (September 28, 2018)
 This week’s JCP international activities (September 26 & 28, 2018)
 Shii criticizes latest Abe-Trump meeting for threatening Japan’s economic sovereignty (September 28, 2018)
 Religious groups vow to work together to achieve victory in Okinawa gubernatorial race (September 27, 2018)
 Aging Tokai Daini nuclear power plant passes safety screening (September 27, 2018)
 Court in reversal okays restart of operations of Ikata NPP No.3 reactor (September 26, 2018)
 World should remember former UN Secretary General Annan’s call for multilateralism (September 26, 2018)
 Majority of general public oppose Abe’s move to revise Constitution (September 23, 2018)
 Argument humiliating LGBT people has link with present government (September 23, 2018)
 This week’s JCP international activities (September 22&23, 2018)
 Public water service is vital to safeguard people’s right to water (September 22, 2018)
 Abe reelected as LDP head for 3rd consecutive term, far from public endorsement: Shii (September 21, 2018)
 Municipal head in Abe’s hometown stands against planned deployment of land-based Aegis system (September 21, 2018)
 Ordinance bill for referendum over Henoko base project submitted to Okinawa prefectural assembly (September 21, 2018)
 US soldier arrested for trespassing (September 21, 2018)
 JCP welcomes the ‘September Pyongyang Joint Declaration’ (September 20, 2018)
 Rally held with renewed determination to scrap war laws on 3rd anniversary of its enactment (September 20, 2018)
 Tsukiji middle traders seek court injunction against relocation to Toyosu (September 20, 2018)
 JCP and DPFP agree to call for convening of extraordinary Diet session to discuss disaster recovery (September 19, 2018)
 Abe government’s dangerous moves during 3 years following enactment of war laws (September 19, 2018)

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