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  Trade minister promises JCP Tamura not to allow JETRO to evade labor law  (February 2, 2018)
 JCP Kurabayashi: Don’t take property away from people in arrears with national health insurance premiums (February 2, 2018)
 Akahata on its 90th birthday renews its determination to contribute to social progress[Editorial] (February 1, 2018)
 Akahata gives me hints to finding the answers to my questions: university student (February 1, 2018)
 JCP Akamine demands abolition of law allowing US military to continue with unsafe flight practices (January 31, 2018)
 It was through Akahata that two of us met: Akahata deliveryman (January 31, 2018)
 3,200 US marines and civilian employees will be concentrated in Henoko after completion of new base (January 30, 2018)
 Trucking companies and drivers to transport ministry: Fair price needed to ensure safe transportation (January 30, 2018)
 National university association head: Abe’s new education policy will ‘interfere in university autonomy’ (January 30, 2018)
 US marine in Okinawa arrested for hitting hotel worker (January 29, 2018)
 Anti-poverty groups take to streets to oppose Abe’s plan to slash livelihood protection benefits (January 29, 2018)
 Running while delivering Akahata, the life of a JCP member (January 29, 2018)
 90 years of daily Akahata, 'It teaches me about the world' (January 28, 2018)
 Okinawa and Guam women rally to oppose US military buildup (January 28, 2018)
 JCP Koike in Diet interpellation raises 'health inequality' issue (January 27, 2018)
 JCP Koike criticizes State Minister Matsumoto’s jeer as outrageous (January 27, 2018)
 State minister resigns over his abusive remark about US military aircraft accidents in Okinawa (January 27, 2018)
 Shii to Abe: Gov’t should slash financial support for US military instead of slashing welfare benefits (January 26, 2018)
 Vice minister: 'How many were killed?' in US aircraft mishaps in Okinawa (January 26, 2018)
 Anti-base incumbent’s victory in Nago mayoral race will pave way for an Okinawa free of US bases (January 21, 2018)
 Okinawans overwhelmed by continuing spate of accidents involving US military aircraft (January 25, 2018)
 JCP lawmakers to gov't: Don't allow employers to circumvent labor law (January 25, 2018)
 Japanese and South Korean teenagers concur on need to abolish nuclear weapons (January 25, 2018)
 ‘No War Network’ official criticizes Abe’s move to undermine Article 9 (January 24, 2018)
 Protest campaign against Henoko base construction wins S. Korean Justice & Peace award (January 24, 2018)
 Joint efforts of JCP and labor union overturn denial of workers’ compensation benefits (January 24, 2018)
 Ordinary Diet session focusing on Article 9 revision convened (January 23, 2018)
 Anti-base ‘All Okinawa’ candidate wins Nanjo City mayoral election (January 23, 2018)
 US parachute drills in Okinawa deepens local fishermen’s anxiety (January 21, 2018)
 Supreme Court orders gov’t to disclose information on state secret funds (January 20, 2018)
 Okinawa governor protests against flights of US military helicopters over elementary school (January 19 and 20, 2018)
 1 year anniv. of Trump regime, Abe devoted to follow Trump (January 19, 2018)
 Labor thinktank: 20,000-yen wage hike needed to boost household consumption (January 19, 2018)
 Drop in income gives rise to Engel's coefficient (January 19, 2018)
 Unions declare start of 2018 Spring Struggle for 20,000-yen monthly wage hike (January 18 &19, 2018)
 Pope calls photo of Nagasaki A-bomb victim ‘fruit of war’ (January 18, 2018)
 30 years of consumption tax heavy burden on general public[Editorial] (January 18, 2018)
 Japanese gov’t isolates itself from world by relying on nuclear deterrence (January 18, 2018)
 ICAN chief and parliamentarians discuss issue of abolition of nuclear weapons (January 17, 2018)
 Thanks to union efforts, fixed-term staff at JAL affiliate win open-ended employment contracts (January 17, 2018)
 JCP raps Diet alliance of Democratic Party and Party of Hope (January 16, 2018)
 JCP Koike: It is shameful of Abe to refuse to meet ICAN chief (January 16, 2018)
 JCP promises cooperation for civil group-drafted bill to abolish NPPs (January 16, 2018)
 This week’s JCP international activity (January 16, 2018)
 ICAN chief in Nagasaki: Japanese gov’t should be fully aware of inhumane nature of nuclear weapons (January 14 & 15, 2018)
 1 in 6 South Sudan-dispatched SDF members suffered from insomnia (January 15, 2018)
 SDF more closely integrated with US forces through monitoring operations of N. Korean ships (January 14, 2018)
 JCP Koike at Korean party offers his wishes for success of Winter Games in PyeongChang (January 13, 2018)
 Shii: JCP will work hard to prevent US military aircraft from flying over skies of Okinawa (January 13, 2018)
 Build stronger JCP to strengthen opposition/citizens joint struggles: Shii in New Year address (January 5, 2018)

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