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List of Past issues

 Signature collection drive for better education system starts (July 8, 2017)
 Rally held to demand cancellation of punishment of unionized gov’t worker for criticizing Henoko base construction (July 7, 2017)
 Looking back on Marco Polo Bridge Incident 80 years ago, Japan should resolve to not repeat the horrors of war[Editorial] (July 7, 2017)
 Gov’t without divulging EPA details to public reaches agreement with EU (July 7, 2017)
 Wage hike essential for taxi industry to survive (July 7, 2017)
 Abe Cabinet admits to existence of materials stating forcible recruitment of ‘comfort women’ took place (July 7, 2017)
 Shii: Diet discussions on ‘Moritomo’ and ‘Kake’ scandals without Abe is out of the question (July 6, 2017)
 DM Inada hints at impossibility of return of Futenma base even after completion of new base in Henoko (July 6, 2017)
 Only diplomatic and political efforts will resolve North Korean issue (July 6, 2017)
 JCP and agricultural co-operative in Hokkaido share concern over Japan-EU EPA (July 6, 2017)
 Saga citizens and JCP protest against promotion of Osprey deployment to local Airport (July 5, 2017)
 Defense Ministry admits to 2 fatal accidents during bayonet training in SDF (July 5, 2017)
 Shii condemns North Korean missile launch (July 5, 2017)
 Shii: JCP victory in Tokyo Metro Assembly election has great significance in Japan’s politics (July 4, 2017)
 JCP advances in Tokyo assembly election and LDP suffers crushing defeat (July 4, 2017)
 Farmers urge the gov’t not to reach basic agreement with EU on EPA (July 4, 2017)
 Farmers and consumers agree to inaugurate movement to protect Japan’s seeds (July 4, 2017)
 Success of 2017 antinuke World Conference will give fresh boost to realization of nuclear weapons ban treaty[Editorial] (July 3, 2017)
 What’s going on at Ospreypad construction site in Takae? (July 3, 2017)
 Persisting in anti-conspiracy law is ‘shame’: UN human rights expert (July 3, 2017)
 Japanese businesses pressure Vietnamese government to relax labor regulations (July 1, 2017)
 Number of workers recognized as suffering from work-induced mental illnesses hovering (July 1, 2017)
 Kyoto local assembly demands Japanese government’s contribution towards realization of N-ban treaty (July 1, 2017)
 4 opposition parties demand PM Abe remove DM Inada from Cabinet (June 30, 2017)
 Inada’s remarks over SDF will lead to destruction of civil liberties (June 30, 2017)
 IBM Japan workers win unpaid back wages (June 29, 2017)
 JAL’s ‘maternity harassment’ victim wins court-mediated settlement (June 29, 2017)
 40% of single-mother households have no savings at all (June 29, 2017)
 Male wheelchair airline passenger forced to climb up boarding stairs using only his arms (June 29, 2017)
 JCP opposes resort hotel construction project in Nara Park (June 29, 2017)
 DM Inada hints at making use of SDF for Tokyo Assembly election campaign (June 28, 2017)
 Teachers exhausted from excessive workloads and long working hours (June 28, 2017)
 Gov’t survey finds one in seven children still in poverty (June 28, 2017)
 JCP Koike: PM Abe has no legal right to talk about constitutional revision (June 27, 2017)
 Tokyo Metro Assembly election provides good opportunity to stop Abe’s move to revise pacifist Constitution[Editorial] (June 27, 2017)
 Half of hospital childcare workers found to be temps (June 27, 2017)
 Memorial ceremony for Chinese victims of wartime forced labor takes place in Hokkaido (June 27, 2017)
 Who is person representing majority of workers in workplace? (June 27, 2017)
 Sit-in protest against construction of US Osprey helipads in Takae marks 10th anniversary (June 26, 2017)
 9 innocent Okinawans killed for ‘spying’ by Japanese soldiers during war (June 25, 2017)
 Assembly election campaign kicks off in Tokyo (June 24, 2017)
 Abe should convene extraordinary Diet session to investigate ‘Kake Gakuen’ scandal[Editorial] (June 24, 2017)
 Gov. Koike despite admitting to presence of toxic residues hints at ‘declaring safety’ of new fish market site (June 23, 2017)
 Tokyo Assembly election is opportunity to open bright future for Japan[Editorial] (June 23, 2017)
 Open debate on Tokyo Met. election highlights JCP’s pro-people stance among anti-welfare political parties (June 23, 2017)
 Gov’t launches ad campaign giving rise to sense of crisis against N. Korea (June 23, 2017)
 Minimum hourly wage of 1,500 yen needed to cover basic living needs: Zenroren survey (June 23, 2017)
 Art work praying for wartime Korean victims removed from Gunma museum against artist’s will (June 23, 2017)
 Despite knowing South Sudan was experiencing in combat situation, gov’t kept GSDF there (June 22, 2017)
 JCP will demand convening of extraordinary Diet session (June 22, 2017)

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