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List of Past issues

 Tokyo JCP demands drastic review of plan to move Tsukiji market to Toyosu (January 17, 2017)
 Protect visually-impaired persons from falling from station platforms[Editorial] (January 17, 2017)
 Historic JCP Congress attracts wide attention (January 16, 2017)
 Shii in draft resolution report calls for utilizing wisdom and power for success in opposition parties’ cooperation (January 16, 2017)
 Gov’t explanation on anti-conspiracy bill resembles prewar explanation on similar law (January 15, 2016)
 Benzene 79 times higher than legal limit detected in Tokyo’s proposed new fish market site (January 15, 2017)
 Abe promotes sale of coal-fired plants (January 14, 2017)
 ‘Evil corporation award’-winning company takes it out on union (January 13 and 14, 2017)
 Education ministry puts brake on firing of part-time university teachers (January 12 & 14, 2017)
 ‘Conspiracy bill’ will punish citizens for their thoughts and beliefs[Editorial] (January 13, 2017)
 Parents worrying about children’s future debts avoid ‘scholarship’ loans (January 13, 2016)
 This week’s JCP international activities (January 13, 2017)
 Large majority of local bar associations oppose ‘conspiracy bill’ (January 12, 2017)
 Militarization of economy will lead to collapse of Japan: economics professor (January 12, 2017)
 Mitsubishi Electric referred to prosecutors for violation of work hour rules (January 12, 2017)
 Defense Ministry uses aircraft purchased for disaster assistance in joint military drill with US (January 11, 2017)
 Union campaign blocks planned closure of public hospital (January 11, 2017)
 US soldier parachutes onto farmer’s field from Osprey (January 11, 2017)
 JMITU local at IT firm wins in labor talks for cuts in overwork (January 10, 2017)
 Civil Alliance holds this year’s first street action together with opposition parties (January 8 & 9, 2017)
 PM Abe’s diplomatic policy reaches deadlock (January 9, 2017)
 What role should Japan play in global refugee issue? (January 9, 2017)
 JCP Diet debate victory leads to reducing taxation loopholes (January 5 & 7, 2016)
  ‘6th and 9th’ antinuke action takes place across Japan in face of launch of NWC talks (January 7, 2017)
 Commercial TV program slanders Okinawans opposing US base construction (January 7, 2017)
 With renewed determination, Okinawans rally to block Henoko base construction (January 5&6, 2017)
 Okinawa governor condemns restarting of US Ospreys’ air refueling drills (January 6, 2017)
 Non-regular postal workers fighting in court for fair treatment (January 6, 2017)
 Niigata Gov. Yoneyama to TEPCO: I will reject restarting of NPP (January 6, 2016)
 Defeat Abe’s attempt to revise the pacifist Constitution on its 70th anniversary[Editorial] (January 5, 2017)
 Shii calls for taking giant step to form coalition government of opposition parties (January 5, 2017)
 Sympathy among people is vital to secure the right to live (January 3, 2017)
 Yasukuni visit by Inada after her Pearl Harbor visit peels off Abe gov’t ‘reconciliation’ mask (December 30 & 31, 2016)
 US soldier in Okinawa arrested for drunk driving (December 30, 2016)
 No reflection on past war, no reconciliation: Shii on Abe’s visit to Pearl Harbor (December 29, 2016)
 Dentsu accused of violating work hour rules (December 28 and 29, 2016)
 Eugenic thought led to mass murder of the disabled: welfare expert (December 27, 2016)
 Japan has become a health gap society: health care expert (December 27, 2016)
 Low-pay, long hours are becoming common among dental technicians (December 26, 2016)
 UNGA resolves to launch negotiations for NWC in March (December 25, 2016)
 Abe gov’t helps fuel civil war in South Sudan (December 25, 2016)
 ‘Crashed Osprey pilot should be decorated’ remark by US brass provokes Okinawan anger (December 25, 2016)
 Gov’t initial budget draft epitomizes its hardline policy of arms expansion: JCP Koike (December 23, 2016)
 Number of teachers having mental problems hovers above 5,000 mark (December 23, 2016)
 JCP international activities (JCP international activities)
 The next Japan Press Weekly will be published on January 6 due to the New Year holidays. 
 US P-8 patrol aircraft crashes at Kadena base in Okinawa (December 22, 2016)
 Fukushima prefectural assembly demands decommissioning of Fukushima Daini NPP (December 22, 2016)
 Education council’s report seeks to cultivate children who will support government’s pro-business policy (December 22, 2016)
 Construction of police station on court house premises will produce cozy relationship between two authorities (December 22, 2016)

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