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 Cuts in state subsidies to community workshops for disabled in disaster-hit Kumamoto avoided (May 19, 2016)
 Koike’s proposal for Diet committee to listen to ALS patient is accepted (May 18, 2016)
 Unions hold rally to make higher minimum wage major issue in Upper House election (May 18, 2016)
 JCP Kasai attends meeting of Japan-ROK parliamentary dialogue committee (May 18, 2016)
 Lower House passes supplementary budget drafted to help victims of Kumamoto quakes (May 17, 2016)
 Many workers in quake-hit Kumamoto lose their jobs (May 17, 2016)
 4,000 young people call for vote to change politics (May 16, 2016)
 Pay cuts for reemployed workers are illegal: district court (May 16, 2016)
 Labor Ministry’s panel begins discussing revision of subsidy program to assist in corporate downsizing (May 15, 2016)
 Shii: Japan should stop serving as mouthpiece for nuclear weapons states (May 15, 2016)
 JCP Okinawa protests gov’t policy to cut subsidies for schools near US bases (May 13 & 14, 2016)
 Tokyo governor must be held accountable for political fund scandal (May 14, 2016)
 Japan’s legislature makes a big step forward to end hate speech (May 13 & 14, 2016)
 This week’s JCP international activities (May 11 & 14, 2016)
 Community workshops for disabled in quake-hit Kumamoto face possible subsidy reductions (May 13, 2016)
 Protest against Kanagawa Prefectural Assembly’s move to overrule JCP spreading (May 13, 2016)
 3,500-strong rally calls for efforts to defend Article 25 guaranteeing the right to welfare (May 13, 2016)
 Calling for more gender equality, bill to revise Civil Code jointly submitted by 4 opposition parties (May 13, 2016)
 Bill to help victims of sexual violence submitted to Diet (May 13, 2016)
 Shii issues statement on Obama’s plan to visit Hiroshima (May 11 & 12, 2016)
 Gov’t must abolish ‘secret agreement’ with US over bringing-in of nuclear weapons to Japan[Editorial] (May 12, 2016)
 Obama’s visit to Hiroshima will be historical only if it leads to departure from nuclear deterrence policy (May 12, 2016)
 Japanese firms and individuals cited in Panama Papers take so-what attitude toward their tax avoidance (May 11, 2016)
 JCP Kami demands special aid for quake-hit farmers in Kumamoto (May 11, 2016)
 Ex-fishermen affected by 1954 US H-bomb tests sue gov’t for relief (May 10, 2016)
 Japanese billionaires transfer their assets overseas to avoid taxes (May 9, 2016)
 JCP Ikeuchi calls for enactment of law to protect LGBT human rights (May 8 & 9, 2016)
 Shii delivers additional donations to quake-hit Kumamoto (May 8, 2016)
 On Children’s Day, mothers’ groups hold events to oppose war laws at various locations (May 7, 2016)
 Japan’s debt for arms buildup snowball under Abe regime (May 7, 2016)
 Calling on all state governments to conclude NWC, annual antinuke march begins (May 7, 2016)
 Bring down Abe gov’t to protect children’s future[Editorial] (May 5, 2016)
 4 opposition leaders take part in Constitution Day rally along with 50,000 people (May 4, 2016)
 Koike: let’s increase united efforts between citizens and opposition parties to restore constitutionalism (May 3, 2016)
 Majority in survey: fielding joint opposition candidates is ‘good’ decision (May 2, 2016)
 Shii in May Day rally calls for change of Abe gov’t in order to protect workers’ rights (May 2, 2016)
 87th May Day calls for end to Abe regime through cooperation with workers, opposition parties, peace activists, and citizens[Editorial] (May 1, 2016)
 Washington’s weapons sales to Tokyo jumps under Abe regime (April 29, 2016)
 Koike delivers donations to disaster-hit Mashiki Town (April 29, 2016)
 Even LDP and Komei lawmakers express concern over Diet seat reduction (April 28, 2016)
 Over 70% of secondary school students feel Article 9 has contributed to Japan’s peace (April 28, 2016)
 Shii speaks to businesspersons about opposition alliance (April 28, 2016)
 More than 500 citizens sue gov’t over war laws (April 27, 2016)
 Japan’s unsuccessful bid for Aussie submarine project is good chance to re-impose arms embargo (April 27, 2016)
 Shii urges PM to improve living conditions in temporary shelters for Kyushu quake victims (April 27, 2016)
 Koike: joint opposition candidate’s fight in Hokkaido by-election raises hopes for victory in future elections (April 26, 2016)
 99% of Japanese subsidiaries in Cayman Islands are shell companies: JCP Daimon (April 26, 2016)
 Ex-leprosy patients reject apology from Supreme Court over special courts (April 26, 2016)
 US Kadena AB leaked harmful materials 13 times over 6 years (April 25, 2016)
 Urgent support for SMEs in quake-hit region in Kyushu needed (April 24, 2016)

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