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List of Past issues

 JCP Kasai criticizes gov’t plan to expand SDF base functions in Djibouti (January 13, 2016)
 Youth stand up demanding minimum wage hike (January 13, 2016)
 Victims of 1954 US H-bomb test will apply for seamen’s compensation (January 13, 2016 )
 160 junior high school students in Saga Pref. participate in SDF experiential learning activities (January 12, 2015)
 Ginowan citizens angry at city for turning over personal data to SDF (January 11, 2016)
 After ‘sympathy budget’ started, over 20 trillion yen of taxpayers’ money given to US military (January 10, 2016)
 Religious agency conducts signature drive misleading public into supporting abolition of pacifist Article 9 (January 10, 2016)
 Yokosuka City urges US military to work to prevent recurrence of crimes committed by US servicemen (January 10, 2016)
 Gov’t releases full text of negotiated TPP accord in Japanese translation following JCP request (January 9, 2016)
 Metropolitan labor authorities order company to negotiate with union (January 9, 2016)
 Both Houses of Diet adopt resolution protesting against N. Korea nuclear test (January 9, 2016)
 JCP Inoue to PM: Gov’t plan to export weapons and NPPs should be scrapped (January 8, 2016)
 First round of Diet debates highlights need to bring down Abe government[Editorial] (January 8, 2016)
 Mayors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki condemn N. Korea’s nuclear test (January 8, 2016)
 JCP Kokuta: Abe should impose fair share of tax burden on wealthy companies (January 7, 2016)
 Weakened domestic demand causes drop in number of SMEs (January 7, 2015)
 Many NPPs install cables in violation of safety standards (January 7, 2016)
 Anti-nuke, Hibakusha groups in Japan protest N. Korea’s nuclear test (January 7, 2016)
 Shii condemns N. Korea’s nuclear test (January 6, 2016)
 Abe wants ‘emergency clause in Constitution’ to smooth way for more constitutional revisions[Editorial] (January 6, 2016)
 Civil Alliance opposing war legislation kicks off street campaign (January 6, 2016)
 Zenroren local union in Shizuoka is fighting for minimum wage hike (January 6, 2016)
 Abe seeks to add emergency clause to Constitution (January 5, 2016)
 Shii announces JCP’s three basic approaches to conducting deliberations in ordinary Diet session (January 5, 2016)
 JCP attends opening ceremony of the Diet (January 5, 2016)
 Shii in New Year address: Let’s work to lead public movement to demand political change (January 5, 2016)
 Shii in New Year address: Let’s work to lead public movement to demand political change (January 5, 2016)
 New Year begins with people’s call for an early end to Abe gov’t (January 4, 2016)
 10 construction companies win Henoko-related contracts after donating 63 million yen to LDP (January 3, 2016)
 Japan-ROK agreement on ‘comfort women’ insufficient for victims to feel ‘real freedom’ (December 30, 2015)
 JCP allergy should be overcome to dispose Abe regime (December 27, 2015)
 Okinawa Pref. files lawsuit against central gov’t over Henoko base issue (December 26, 2015)
 Number of teachers on sick leave due to mental fatigue shows no decline (December 26, 2015)
 Nikon loses suit over ‘comfort women’ photo exhibition (December 26, 2015)
 Due to the New Year holidays, the next issue will appear on January 8, 2016. 
 Court overturns injunction against restart of Takahama NPP (December 25, 2015)
 After an absence of 69 years, JCP decides to attend Diet opening ceremony (December 25, 2015)
 Shii answers reporters’ questions on JCP decision to attend opening ceremony of the Diet (December 25, 2015)
 Cut in gov’t remuneration to hospitals will damage local medical infrastructures (December 24, 2015)
 Abe gov’t yet again begins discussing relaxation of dismissal rules (December 24, 2015)
 Osaka Ishin no Kai is constitutional revisionist Abe’s supplementary party (December 23, 2015)
 Lawyers will initiate action in courts to challenge war legislation’s constitutionality (December 22, 2015)
 Antiracism civil groups protest discriminatory book targeting refugees (December 22, 2015)
 ‘Civil Alliance’ formed to repeal war legislation (December 21, 2015)
 Opposition parties in Kumamoto agree to field joint candidate in Upper House election (December 20, 2015)
 High school students in Tokyo and Osaka hold demos calling for abolishing war laws (December 20, 2015)
 Many local newspapers urge opposition parties to come together in upcoming election (December 20, 2015)
 US military’s live shell drills cause another forest fire in Okinawa (December 19 & 20, 2015)
 Don’t export submarines to Australia: citizens’ network (December 19, 2015 )
 High school students facing unjust practices by prospective employers during job-hunting activities (December 19, 2015)

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