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List of Past issues

 Local residents criticize Kyuden president for aiming to operate Sendai NPP for 60 years (December 3, 2015)
 LDP local lawmakers’ homophobic remarks spark public criticisms (December 3, 2015)
 JCP Kasai talks with religious leaders in Yamaguchi (December 3, 2015)
 JCP opposes plan to cut state subsidy to national universities (December 2, 2015)
 Citizens file lawsuits over unconstitutionality of ‘My Number’ system (December 2, 2015)
 Bereaved family of Fukushima-disaster-related suicide reaches court-mediated settlement with TEPCO (December 2, 2015)
 JCP in Metropolitan Assembly criticizes Tokyo’s sharing of construction costs for new national stadium (December 2, 2015)
 Japan’s public pension fund posts record loss of 8 trillion yen (December 1, 2015)
 Kagoshima Prefecture holds bogus public briefing for restart of Sendai NPP (December 1, 2015)
 This week’s JCP international activity (December 1, 2015)
 PM Abe’s supporters call for suppression of free speech (November 30, 2015)
 ‘My Number’ system already adversely affects transgender people (November 29, 2015)
 LDP receives 700 million yen in donations as ‘reward’ from nuclear power industry (November 28, 2015)
 LDP increasingly turns into ‘state-run’ political party (November 28, 2015)
 IBM Japan surrenders in lawsuit over unjust wage cuts (November 28, 2015)
 Artifacts unearthed in Henoko designated as cultural assets (November 28, 2015)
 Unlike LDP, JCP finance supported at grassroots level (November 28, 2015)
 Pro-US base lawmakers in Nago urge cities nationwide to support base construction (November 27, 2015)
 Court nullifies orchestra musicians’ dismissals (November 27, 2015)
 Central labor commission condemns anti-union practice by Osaka City mayor (November 27, 2015)
 Japan’s plan to build 48 new coal-fired power plants contradicts global efforts to combat climate change (November 27, 2015)
 JCP Koike criticizes gov’t policy to toughen penalties for juvenile offenders (November 26, 2015)
 Supreme Court ruling: 2014 general election was in ‘state of unconstitutionality’ (November 26, 2015)
 Part-time lecturers at Waseda Univ. win open-ended contract (November 26, 2015)
 9 Kawasaki junior high schools had students participate in SDF activities (November 26, 2015)
 Fuwa at press club calls for departure from LDP’s hold on politics (November 25, 2015)
 Japan occupies bottom rank for 6th consecutive year among OECD countries in public spending for education (November 25, 2015)
 JCP efforts help to boost birthrate in country town (November 25, 2015)
 DYLJ congress resolves to work to help create ‘national coalition gov’t to repeal war legislation’ (November 22-24, 2015)
 Shii in lecture at Tokyo University calls for united anti-terrorism efforts by international community (November 23, 2015)
 Anti-Osaka Ishin no Kai candidates put up good fight in Osaka elections (November 23, 2015)
 5,000 Tokyoites rally to oppose US plan to deploy CV-22s to Yokota AB (November 22 & 24, 2015)
 JCP issues statement opposing gov’t policy causing higher college tuition (November 21, 2015)
 Saitama City ordered to pay compensation for employee’s suicide due to ‘power harassment’ (November 20, 2015)
 Myanmar’s democratization to be tested (November 20, 2015)
 How far military-academia cooperation has advanced under Abe administration  (November 19, 2015)
 Okinawans’ sit-in protest against US base construction marks 500th day (November 19, 2015)
 Union survey shows nurses at municipal hospitals are overworked and exhausted (November 19, 2015)
 Central gov’t sues Okinawa governor for resisting US base construction in Henoko (November 18, 2015)
 One out of every four workers in Japan is ‘working poor’ (November 18, 2015)
 Contract workers at crippled Fukushima NPP win unpaid wages in court (November 18, 2015)
 Woman hospital worker wins compensation for ‘maternity harassment’ (November 18, 2015)
 TV watchdog official: It is broadcasting autonomy that defends democracy (November 17, 2015)
 This week’s JCP international activities (November 13 & 17, 2015)
 Zenroren holds symposium on international solidarity among labor movements around the world (November 14-16, 2015)
 Shinfujin determined to restore democracy in Japan using women’s power (November 15 & 16, 2015)
 SEALDs holds rallies in protest against US base construction in Henoko (November 15, 2015)
 Shii condemns terror attacks in Paris (November 15, 2015)
 Gov’t will further cut corporate tax, repeating same mistake[Editorial] (November 14, 2015)
 Is scandal-tainted ‘Osaka Ishin’ qualified to call for ‘political reform’? (November 14, 2015)

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