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List of Past issues

 Revised entertainment law leaves room for arbitrary policing in dance clubs: Yamashita (June 17 & 18, 2015)
 Civic group pushes gov’t to abandon construction plan of gigantic Olympic Stadium (June 18, 2015)
 Concerns over TPP negotiations on generic drugs mounting worldwide (June 18, 2015)
 FA sues JAL for ‘maternity harassment’ (June 17, 2015)
 Author of illegal political belief survey should not head investigation into personal data leak incident (June 17, 2015)
 64 retiring defense bureaucrats parachute into top 10 weapons manufacturers in 2014 (June 17, 2015)
 Imposition of ‘Hinomaru’ and ‘Kimigayo’ on national universities is just the beginning of gov’t interference: scholar (June 17, 2015)
 Theater people unite in blocking road to war for 1st time since 1960 (June 16, 2015)
 Actions against war bills gain momentum (June 14 & 16, 2015)
 During Gulf War, prime minister cited constitutional restrictions to reject US request for SDF dispatch (June 16, 2015)
 Naha City Assembly protests frequent crimes by US military personnel (June 16, 2015)
 This week’s JCP international activity (June 14 & 16, 2015)
 Abe is telling a pack of lies about war legislation: SDF members (June 14, 2015)
 SDF hold military parade in shopping area despite local opposition (June 14, 2015)
 Audio Sunday Akahata, the torch blazing the path for the visually-challenged (June 14, 2015)
 Ex-LDP heavyweights oppose Abe’s ‘security’ legislation (June 13, 2015)
 Coffins for SDF personnel readied for overseas missions: Defense Minister (June 13, 2015)
 Top court ruling on ‘Sunagawa case’ can’t be used to justify Japan’s use of collective self-defense right: lawyers (June 13, 2015)
 2011 disaster victims call on state to keep covering all costs for reconstruction work (June 13, 2015)
 JCP Daimon calls for minimum wage reforms to narrow regional income gaps (June 12, 2015)
 Court awards compensation for noise damage from US Futenma base (June 12, 2015)
 One ruling party lawmaker rebels against Abe’s war legislation (June 11, 2015)
 JCP Miyamoto checkmates Defense Minister in Diet discussions over collective self-defense right (June 11, 2015)
 Bill to establish defense equipment agency enacted (June 11, 2015)
 Renesas calls back its ex-regular workers as temps (June 11, 2015)
 Abe should withdraw war bills: former Speaker of the House (June 10, 2015)
 Education Ministry instructs national universities to reduce humanities and social science courses (June 10, 2015)
 Create policies in the public interest for ending declining birthrate[Editorial] (June 10, 2015)
 Okinawa JCP calls for halt to SDF aircraft use of Naha Airport (June 6 and 9, 2015)
 Japanese researchers urge early settlement of wartime ‘comfort women’ issue (June 9, 2015)
 Constitution needs to adapt itself to war-related bills: DefMin Nakatani (June 8, 2015)
 All constitutional scholars in parliamentary hearing criticize war legislation as unconstitutional (June 7, 2015)
 Deaths in battle could become more likely under war legislation (June 7, 2015)
 US sergeant arrested for robbery (June 7, 2015)
 Sex registration on ‘My Number’ cards backpedals on efforts to eliminate discrimination against LGBT people (June 7, 2015)
 If war laws had existed, SDF might have joined in US-led wars from 1990 (June 6, 2015)
 Onaga: Okinawans’ opposition to base construction wins sympathy in US (June 5, 2015)
 Sony’s working hour rules show what Abe’s working hour reform will bring about (June 5, 2015)
 Police collect private info of local residents objecting to power plant project in Gifu Pref. (May 27 & June 5, 2015)
 Pension data entry staff are outsourced workers (June 4, 2015)
 Abe might dispatch SDF under war legislation to participate in ISAF-like force (June 4, 2015)
 Japan’s new GHG reduction target runs counter to global efforts to tackle climate change (June 3 and 4, 2015)
 Pollution victims stage joint action seeking relief measures (June 4, 2015)
 JCP calls for revision of costly, time-consuming design for new Olympic stadium (June 4, 2015)
 Japan’s energy plan should focus more on renewables than nuclear power[Editorial] (June 4, 2015)
 Latest poll shows 83% of Okinawans oppose construction of new US base in Henoko (June 3, 2015)
 Bill to lower voting age to 18 passed through Lower House committee (June 3, 2015)
 War industry doubled donations to LDP bringing about lifting of ban on arms export (June 3, 2015)
 Kicking unions out of city office is illegal: Osaka High Court (June 3, 2015)
 90 civic groups in Japan and S. Korea oppose war-glorifying, anti-constitutional publishers’ textbooks (June 3, 2015)

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