List of Past issues JCP chair questions prime minister’s moral standards (October 24, 2008) Shii calls on government to give strong guidance to banks (October 24, 2008) True colors of DPJ (October 23, 2008) Ruling LDP continues to insist on assisting the U.S. war in Afghanistan (October 23, 2008 ) 3,500 small business owners hold rally calling for change in politics (October 23, 2008) JCP calls on Tokyo government to improve obstetrics system (October 23, 2008 ) Gensuikyo secretary-general report:
Call for a world free of nuclear weapons won wider support in US
(October 22, 2008) Japan must make earnest efforts to combat global warming[Editorial] (October 22, 2008) Ichida says DPJ is competing with LDP for wrecking Constitution (October 21, 2008) Political parties (except JCP) receive 8 billion yen in government subsidies (October 21, 2008) DPJ official says it will change government interpretation of Constitution if it takes power (October 21, 2008) Video-streaming of Shii’s questioning on temporary workers attracts massive favorable comments (October 20, 2008) JCP in Diet urges government to stop assisting in U.S. war against Afghanistan (October 20, 2008) 5,000 rally for better medical and nursing care services (October 20, 2008) 2,000 people in Anti-Poverty Network rally demanding decent work and bright future (October 20, 20008) JCP Koike stresses importance of banning corporate donations to political parties (October 19, 2008) Yokosuka peace organizations express protest against U.S. N-sub Ohio’s entry into port (October 18, 2008) Supplementary budget enacted (October 17, 2008) Shii says JCP will fight against bill to extend Self-Defense Force deployment in the Indian Ocean (October 17, 2008) Pensioners hold rallies demanding abolition of new discriminatory health insurance system (October 17, 2008) LDP and DPJ must equally explain their cozy relations with multi-level marketing industry (October 17, 2008 ) Conservationists advise protection of dugong in Okinawa (October 17, 2008) Article 9 Association launched by educators (October 17, 2008) JCP urges LDP to set up question-time session with JCP (October 16, 2008) Abolish discriminatory health insurance system for elderly: JCP Koike (October 16, 2008) 4 opposition parties jointly call for abolition of unjust healthcare program
(October 16, 2008) DPJ lawmakers have helped multi-level marketing industry (October 16, 2008 ) Tokyo governor’s motorbike race at Miyake to cut off flights to island (October 16, 2008) Do not force ordinary people to pay the cost of financial fallout[Editorial] (October 15, 2008) JCP Shii comments on financial crisis caused by casino capitalism (October 15, 2008) Hibakusha win court case in Chiba (October 15, 2008) JCP Shii comments on removal of North Korea from U.S. list of states sponsoring terrorism (October 13, 2008) Reduce military budget to fund social services[Editorial] (October 13, 2008 ) Gensuikyo calls for anti-nuclear weapons signatures at anti-war rally in Boston (October 13, 2008) Government must take responsibility for falsified pension record scandal (October 12, 2008) Do not shift burden of failure of casino capitalism onto ordinary people (October 11, 2008) Ruling parties and opposition DPJ agree to put the bill to extend SDF operation in the Indian Ocean to vote on Oct. 20 (October 11, 2008) Okinawa Prefectural Assembly refuses to fund pro-U.S. base governor’s trip to U.S. (October 11, 2008) Gensuikyo visits Egypt and Norway permanent missions to the U.N. (October 11, 2008) DPJ makes about-face with general election in mind (October 10, 2008) UN official says civic society’s attendance is important for abolishing nuclear weapons (October 10, 2008) Nobel prize-winners are reminder of the importance of state’s role in supporting basic research[Editorial] (October 10, 2008) Is DPJ backing off from confronting LDP for the sake of early election? (October 9, 2008) JCP opposes supplementary budget (October 9, 2008) JCP Kokuta criticizes DPJ for putting party interests first (October 9, 2008) Make every effort to achieve peace in Afghanistan (October 9, 2008 ) JCP Shii calls for drastic revision of the Worker Dispatch Law (October 8, 2008) Shii exposes Toyota’s evasion of law to use temporary workers as long as it can (October 8, 2008) Aso: War dead enshrined at Yasukuni are divine souls (October 8, 2008) Prime Minister Aso bombards opposition parties with questions during his first policy speech (September 30, 2008)