List of Past issues What is behind LDP’s scenario to extend Anti-Terrorism Special Measures Law? (September 11, 2008 ) Shii speaks in Tokyo’s shopping district popular with the elderly (September 11, 2008) Government claim of ‘obligatory imports of MA rice’ proven to be groundless[Editorial] (September 10, 2008) Shii calls on youth to join hands for decent work rules (September 10, 2008 ) Public turns their attention to Zenroren (September 10, 2008 ) ‘Let’s revoke new medical system for elderly aged 75 and over’ -- National Convention of Elderly (September 9, 10, 2008 ) JCP requests TV stations to treat political parties impartially (September 9, 2008) Shii says Democratic Party fails to explain what it would do if it takes power (September 9, 2008) Opposition parties jointly urge government to give guidance to employers to end abuse of contingent workers (September 9, 2008) Progressive candidate elected town head in Okinawa ( September 9, 2008) JCP wins single seat in Kyoto City by-election, beating LDP (September 8, 2008) No ‘carte blanche’ to prime minister (September 7, 2008) U.S. has maintained nuclear subs need to discharge radioactive liquids upon their visits to Japanese ports
(September 7, 2008) Economy that continues to count on U.S. market has no future[Editorial] (September 7, 2008) Stop violating Georgia’s sovereignty ( September 6, 2008) Supporting U.S. forces is in national interest: defense white paper (September 6, 2008) JCP in Tokyo Assembly exposes Democratic Party’s plagiarism (September 5, 2008 ) LDP to hold its presidential election without self-examination of its responsibility for political stalemate[Editorial] (September 5, 2008) Fuwa holds talks with Vietnamese Academy delegation (September 5, 2008) JCP Shii calls on all party members to rise in preparation for general election (September 4, 2008) USS N-sub Houston meets resistance from Nagasaki Prefectural Assembly (September 4, 2008) Anti-Security Treaty committee proposes autumn action program for peace (September 4, 2008) JCP Chair Shii calls on agricultural cooperatives for common action to raise food self-sufficiency rate (September 4, 2008 ) Diet must discuss key national issues before House of Representatives general election[Editorial] (September 3, 2008) JCP Vice Chair Ogata talks with Irish ambassador Scannell (September 3, 2008 ) JCP Ogata attends Malaysian national day reception (September 3, 2008) ‘Government must take urgent measures to curb soaring oil prices’ -- Trucking association members (August 27, 2008) Extraordinary Diet session to be convened on September 12 for 70 days (August 26, 2008) Japan’s waivers of jurisdiction over crimes committed by U.S. military personnel remain unchanged (August 26, 2008) Government ordered to compensate for SDF sailor’s suicide (August 26, 2008) Messages to 2008 World Conference against A & H Bombs from foreign governments (August 26, 2008) Zenroren urges government to take measures to help reduce hardships (August 26, 2008) Senior LDP politicians and media people get together to bowl (August 25, 2008 ) Yokosuka citizens hold demonstration against deployment of U.S. nuclear-powered aircraft carrier (August 23 and 25) Teachers, parents discuss education to open a future for children (August 22-25, 2008) Misawa-based U.S. fighter jet attacked Afghanistan (August 24, 2008) JCP Iwate Pref. holds symposium to discuss ways to solve crisis of fisheries (August 24, 2008) 3,000 farmers march in demonstration demanding use of tax money to help them pay rising costs – Kochi (August 24, 2008) Defend local agriculture (August 24, 2008) Fixed-term workers at Canon to receive 40,000-yen in lay-off compensation (August 24, 2008) Hiroshima’s 7 peace groups jointly oppose U.S-India nuclear cooperation (August 22, 2008) 5,000 Hokkaido farmers call for steps to overcome agricultural crisis (August 22, 2008) Okinawan farmers hold rally to demand governmental action to help to deal with crisis (August 22, 2008) Contingent workers’ group urges Labor Ministry to regulate use of temps disguised as independent contractors (August 22, 2008) Zenroren opens national ‘contingent workers center’ (August 22, 2008) Casualties among temp workers nine times more in just three years (August 22, 2008) USS George Washington sailors arrested for murder (August 21, 2008) Justice Ministry admits to pressing library to withhold document about jurisdiction over U.S. military crimes (August 21, 2008) Academics urge Tokyo Metropolitan Government to give up relocation of Tsukiji market (August 21, 2008) Gensuikyo presses government to oppose U.S.-India nuclear deal (August 20, 2008)