List of Past issues Otaru City refuses U.S. warship’s visit to its port (January 29, 2008) JCP protests Supreme Court ruling supporting suppression of JCP local assembly member ( January 29, 2008) Ogata attends Indian National Day reception (January 29, 2008) Aomori Prefecture being turned into stronghold of U.S. missile defense strategy (January 28, 2008) McDonald’s Japan ordered to pay overtime to manager (January 28, 2008) Fukuda’s Davos speech fails to mention numerical targets to prevent global warming (January 27, 2008) U.S. government ordered to research effects of Okinawa’s base construction on dugongs (January 27, 2008) Stop subservience to U.S. in dealing with financial crisis[Editorial] ( January 27, 2008) JCP is No.1 in presenting signatures to Diet during its extraordinary session (January 26, 2008) No reason to raise consumption tax rate: JCP Sasaki (January 26, 2008) Protesters stage rallies as MSDF ships leave for Indian Ocean (January 25 & 26, 2008) Zenroren proposes drastic revision of Worker Dispatch Law (January 26, 2008) JCP Shii calls for local suffrage for permanent foreign residents ( January 25, 2008) MSDF ships leave for Indian Ocean to resume refueling operations (January 25, 2008) High court orders private school to pay unpaid wages to unionized teachers (January 25, 2008) Zenroren establishes non-regular workers’ center (January 25, 2008) JCP Ichida demands drastic increase in number of physicians (January 24, 2008) LDP and DPJ may still dream about forming coalition (January 24, 2008) JCP Ichida urges prime minister to drastically change government economic policy (January 24, 2008) Court orders the government to pay compensation for unfair labor practice (January 24, 2008) JCP urges Tokyo governor to cancel vice governor’s trip to Davos costing 33 million yen (January 24, 2008) JCP Shii proposes policies to address urgent economic issues (text of interpellation speech)
( January 23, 2008) Japan’s policy of banning arms exports must be maintained[Editorial] (January 22, 2008) Ruling party Dietmembers sell fundraiser tickets to gas station operators’ association (January 22, 2008) Okinawa governor requests central government to correct environmental impact assessment documents concerning new U.S. base construction (January 22, 2008) Government to spend huge amount of money on roads to shorten travel time by just few minutes (January 21, 2008) Abolish state control over education and improve educational conditions[Editorial] (January 21, 2008) Drastic revision of Worker Dispatch Law is essential[Editorial] (January 21, 2008) Supplementary budget to deal with oil price hikes gives priority to military (January 20, 2008) Health minister: To increase number of doctors will make them homeless (January 20, 2008) JCP Shii calls for aggressive Diet discussion to fundamentally critique LDP policies (January 19, 2008) Fukuda in policy speech calls for permanent law to deploy SDF abroad and imposition of consumption tax hikes (January 19, 2008) 2008 Spring Struggle action policy for fighting poverty adopted (January 19, 2008) Iwakuni City’s important struggle against U.S. military realignment in Japan[Editorial] (January 18, 2008) Central Education Council calls for more school hours and tougher state control (January 18, 2008) Major hair salon chain forced to pay 338 hairstylists 48 million yen in back pay (January 18, 2008) Ogata, Kasai discuss return of Korean cultural asset with S. Korean lawmakers (January 18, 2008) Ogata, Kasai exchange views with South Korean vice foreign minister on return of Korean cultural asset (January 17, 2008) DPJ’s bill on SDF overseas operations carried over to next Diet session (January 16, 2008) Defense Ministry conducts studies on possible PAC-3 launch site in central Tokyo (January 16, 2008) Hepatitis C plaintiffs and the government sign reconciliation agreement (January 16, 2008) Tokyo doubles amount of planned expenses for Olympics bid (January 16, 2008) Okinawan delegation urges the ministry to revoke its order (January 16, 2008 ) Government must take urgent measures to secure stable postdoctoral positions[Editorial] (January 15, 2008) Baseball Hall of Fame and war (January 14, 2008) Spring Struggle focusing on eradication of disparities [Editorial] (January 13, 2008) Hiroshima demands that U.S. forces stop low-altitude flight exercises (January 13, 2008) 30 years of joint struggle of Nippon Steel workers and JCP wins extra pay for attending meetings between shifts (January 13, 2008) JCP Shii condemns ruling bloc for forcibly enacting anti-terrorism special measures law (January 12, 2008) Bill to relieve drug-induced hepatitis patients passed (January 12, 2008)