List of Past issues Plaintiff in drug-induced hepatitis C lawsuit reveals her name (December 15, 2007) Government plan fails to include concrete steps to achieve Kyoto Protocol goals (December 15, 2007) JCP exposes collusive relationships between Defense Ministry and problematic contractors (December 14, 2007) JCP expresses opposition to extension of Diet session to enact bill to resume SDF refueling mission (December 14, 2007) Hepatitis C plaintiffs reject court-mediated settlement (December 14, 2007) Ruling bloc adopts policy of increasing consumption tax rate in FY 2009 (December 14, 2007) Motion-picture company agrees with union to review its policy of arbitrarily cutting retirement allowance (December 14, 2007) 1,600 in rally say ‘No!’ to resumption of MSDF refueling mission (December 13, 2007) JCP criticizes bill to revise Broadcast Law (December 13, 2007) Japan’s request for substantial ‘sympathy budget’ cut rejected by U.S. (December 13, 2007) 2nd round of JCP study lectures on Scientific Socialism ends (December 13, 2007) Tokyo High Court abandons responsibility for protecting freedom of speech: JCP (December 12, 2007) SIA estimates 20 million pension records as hard to identify (December 12, 2007) Business circles push major parties for consumption tax hikes (December 12, 2007) Ichida meets with Vietnam workers union delegation (December 12, 2007) Forum calls for solidarity for establishing food sovereignty (December 11, 2007) LDP decides to extend Diet session again (December 11, 2007) JCP protests U.S. forces’ exercises with F-16s and FA-18s at Atsugi (December 11, 2007) Stop deployment and practice of PAC-3 (December 11, 2007) Plaintiffs in hepatitis C lawsuits demand relief for all victims (December 11, 2007) Activists take to the streets declaring no to war calls (December 9, 2007) DPJ lawmaker: There was no Nanjing Massacre (December 9, 2007) Arms industries regard 3-trillion-yen U.S. military realignment as business opportunity (December 8, 2007) Japan is forced to pay unusually high cost for U.S. military housing construction (December 8, 2007) Government must face up to past on occasion of 66th anniversary of Pacific War[Editorial] (December 8, 2007) Shii attends UAE National Day reception ( December 8, 2007) Spanish prime minister expresses support for starting negotiations for total ban on nuclear weapons (December 7, 2007) JCP Shii: Japan should not obstruct U.S. removal of N. Korea from its list of countries sponsoring terrorism (December 6, 2007) Former Defense chief and Diet members used tax money to attend private conference in U.S. (December 6, 2007) Ruling parties agree to review law on disabled persons’ ‘self-support assistance’ (December 6, 2007 ) JCP delivers donation to Bangladesh cyclone victims (December 6, 2007) Labor Ministry has neglected illegal corporate practice of not directly hiring temp workers (December 5, 2007) JCP demands full revelation of defense scandal (December 5, 2007) Hibakusha urge Health Ministry to drastically revise system to recognize A-bomb related illnesses (December 5, 2007) Citizens and history textbook authors petition Education Ministry for retraction of order (December 5, 2007) JCP requests government to take urgent measures to deal with rise in oil prices (December 5, 2007) Stage performers achieve improvement in working conditions (December 5, 2007) Stop consecutive cuts in medical treatment fees (December 5, 2007) U.S. Air Force and Marines conduct major joint exercises at Kadena base; local town protests (December 4, 2007) Rally held to demand revocation of education ministry instruction on wartime accounts in textbooks (December 4, 2007) Japan-proposed U.N. resolution will not be effective for abolition of nuclear weapons[Editorial] (December 3, 2007) Defense lawmakers crowd around weapons procurement (December 3, 2007) Stop relocation of U.S. War Headquarters to Zama; 13,000 participate in rally (December 3, 2007) U.S. sailor arrested for attack on 2 women near naval base in Yokosuka (December 3, 2007) Intractable disease patients demand budget increase for treatment (December 3, 2007) 11,000 rally against government cut in subsidies for Iwakuni City in retaliation for city’s opposition to deployment of U.S. fighter jets (December 2, 2007) Japan’s second PAC-3 deployed near Tokyo (December 1, 2007) Welfare Ministry intends to reduce livelihood protection benefits (December 1, 2007) Court rules Toyota worker died from overwork (December 1, 2007) Rally held in Tokyo demanding government redress discrimination against 1,047 railway workers (December 1, 2007)