List of Past issues Keidanren seeks higher consumption tax rate and lower corporate tax rate (September 19, 2007) National convention of elderly calls for struggle to repeal adversely revised healthcare system (September 18 & 19, 2007) Business circles’ outrageous demand for consumption tax hike[Editorial] (September 18, 2007) JCP Ichida criticizes two LDP presidential candidates (September 17, 2007) LDP presidency candidates sticking to ‘structural reform’ policy and Japan’s assistance in U.S. wars (September 16, 2007) Corporate tax rates on Toyota remain unchanged although its profits doubled (September 16, 2007) All parties except JCP depend on corporate donations and tax money: 2006 political funds reports (September 15, 2007) With relaxing of restrictions on foreign-owned corporations, Canon donated 40 million yen to LDP (September 15, 2007) Staffing agency-dispatched day laborers to get unemployment allowances (September 15, 2007) Shii holds talks with CPPCC Chair Jia (September 15, 2007) It is unacceptable for the government to deny historical fact of wartime ‘mass suicide’ in Okinawa[Editorial] (September 14, 2007) The elderly aged 75 and over may have to pay 155,000 yen as yearly medical insurance premium (September 13 & 14, 2007) Ogata and Akamine meet Bolivian ambassador (September 14, 2007) Prime Minister Abe to resign with no reflection on his government[Editorial] (September 13, 2007) Abe’s resignation shows the failure of the LDP-Komei policy line: JCP Shii (September 13, 2007) In extremely irresponsible manner, Prime Minister Abe gives up Prime Ministership (September 13, 2007) Ruling parties to submit new bill to continue Japan’s refueling of U.S. warships in Indian Ocean (September 12, 2007) Let’s repel unjustifiable attack on democratically elected mayor[Editorial] (September 12, 2007) Abe declares he will stake his prime ministership on anti-terrorism law extension (September 11, 2007) Extraordinary Diet session opens (September 11, 2007) Abe in policy speech clings to rejected policies of 'structural reform' and constitutional revision (September 11, 2007) JCP Central Committee adopts plans for victory in Lower House general election at its 5th Plenum (September 11, 2007) Shii meets with Chinese Ambassador Wang (September 11, 2007) Constitutional council holds lecture meeting in Tokyo (September 10, 2007) 6 years since 9/11 vividly prove ‘war on terror’ has failed[Editorial] (September 9, 2007) JCP establishes relationship with Bolivian government (September 8, 2007) Japan and U.S. held 54 joint military exercises for a total of 353 days in FY 2006 (September 8, 2007) High court reverses lower court ruling disfranchising a JCP member (September 8, 2007) JCP urges government to review disabled person self-support law (September 7, 2007) Ichida attends Saudi Arabian National Day reception (September 7, 2007) JCP establishes relations with Bolivia’s MAS (September 7, 2007) JCP delegation meets with MAS members of Bolivia’s National Congress (September 7, 2007) Three parties jointly request Upper House president to allow sufficient question time (September 6, 2007) Maritime SDF’s refueling operations may have supported U.S.-led forces’ attack on Somalia (September 6, 2007) Over 1,000 claims for work-related accident compensation pending every year (September 6, 2007) Four opposition parties agree to cooperate in the Diet (September 5, 2007) Defense Minister corrected political funds report after taking office (September 5, 2007) LDP Upper House member steps down over violation of election law (September 5, 2007) Rally held against Japan-U.S. joint air exercises in Kyushu (September 5, 2007) Ogata in Brazil speaks with foreign guests attending PT congress (September 4 & 5, 2007) Endo resigns as agriculture minister (September 4, 2007) Agriculture minister’s resignation illustrates collapse of Abe’s scheme to enlist public support with cabinet reshuffle (September 4, 2007) Hearing starts in lawsuit over dredging in preparation for U.S. nuclear-powered warship deployment (September 4, 2007) Agriculture Minister to step down over money scandal (September 3, 2007) Rally held against U.S. Marine Corps live ammunition exercises in Hokkaido (September 3, 2007) Government bullies municipalities for not charging for children’s medical costs (September 3, 2007) Ogata in PT Congress exchanges greetings with President Lula (September 3, 2007) Defense Ministry requests budget to increase SDF’s overseas combat capabilities (September 1, 2008) Ogata in Brazil attends PT-hosted seminar on leftist governments in Latin America (September 1, 2007) Abe still seeks constitutional revision to be initiated in 2010 (August 31, 2007)