List of Past issues Japan has fewer physicians per capita than most other OECD countries (August 3, 2007) JCP Dietmembers: Government must give up appealing drug-induced hepatitis cases (August 3, 2007) Zenroren holds General Council meeting (August 3, 2007) Ogata meets with Cuban ambassador (August 3, 2007) Scandal-tainted agriculture minister resigns (August 2, 2007) Japan police ends investigation into U.S. Marine helicopter crash in Okinawa without questioning of U.S. personnel (August 2, 2007) Abe diplomacy isolates Japan even from U.S.: U.S. House resolution on sex slaves[Editorial] (August 1, 2007) Court orders state and drug makers to compensate drug-induced hepatitis C patients (August 1, 2007) Zenroren unions press Labor Ministry to raise minimum wage to more than 1,000 yen ( August 1, 2007) LDP-Komei block suffers historic setback; JCP gains 3 seats (July 31, 2007) JCP on House of Councilors election results (July 31, 2007) Abe defies public outcry to step down (July 31, 2007) 6th court ruling against state over A-bomb disease sufferer recognition (July 31, 2007) Agriculture minister’s additional corruption scandal exposed (July 30, 2007) Local assembly adopts resolution protesting against U.S. Marine Corps armored car’s trespassing on schoolyard (July 27, 2007) JCP hands over 2 million yen to quake-hit Niigata Prefecture (July 27, 2007) Tokyo adopts infamous rightist history and civics textbooks (July 27, 2007) 104 overseas delegates from 22 countries and 5 international organizations to participate in World Conference against A & H Bombs (July 26, 2007) 2007 World Conference against A & H Bombs receives messages from governments (July 26 & August 1, 2007) JCP Shii urges prime minister to swiftly assist quake victims and review nuclear power plant safety standards (July 26, 2007) Textbook authors demand correction of account of wartime ‘mass suicide’ in Okinawa (July 26, 2007) Government pamphlet claims existing nuclear power plants can withstand any great earthquake (July 25, 2007) Unionized non-regular workers win victory in labor tribunal (July 25, 2007) Shii on the streets calls on voters to support JCP (July 24, 2007) Advisory panel to give prime minister authority over constitutional interpretations on collective self-defense issues (July 23, 2007) Shii: Abe cabinet lacks political ethics; Chief cabinet secretary suspected of being implicated in office expense scandal (July 23, 2007) Foreign minister makes outrageous remark (July 21, 2007) U.S. Marine Corps armored car trespasses on schoolyard in Okinawa (July 21, 2007) JCP's advance needed to defend Article 9 (July 20, 2007) JCP calls on Fukui Prefecture to thoroughly review nuclear power plant anti-quake standards (July 20, 2007) Court dismisses teachers’ claim over ‘Kimigayo’ (July 20, 2007) Fund manager sentenced to 2 years in jail for insider trading (July 20, 2007) Former JCP Chair Fuwa issues statement on ‘CIA report on JCP’ quoted in Jiji Press article (July 20, 2007) JCP Shii visits quake-hit areas (July 19, 2007) Troubled nuclear power plant ordered to shut down (July 19, 2007) Quake-hit nuclear power station faces grave problems; seismic shock 3.6 times greater than design criterion (July 19, 2007) High Court dismisses claim of Chinese victims of chemical weapons left by Japanese military (July 19, 2007) Former JCP Central Committee Chair Miyamoto Kenji dies (July 19, 2007) JCP collects donations for quake victims (July 18, 2007) JCP Ogata discusses with South Koreans issue of returning Korean cultural asset (July 18, 2007) International people’s tribunal convicts U.S. for dropping A-bombs (July 18, 2007) Japan and U.S. conducted joint MD exercises five times in 10 months; Prime minister’s office took part (July 18, 2007) Strong quake hits Niigata (July 17, 2007) JCP announces proposal for remaking pension system (July 16, 2007) JCP marks its 85th anniversary as ‘the only reliable party’[Editorial] (July 15, 2007) JCP’s emergency 1 trillion yen plan for welfare services is first step toward ending poverty[Editorial] (July 14, 2007) What are political parties saying on minimum wage? (July 13, 2007) JCP’s advance in this election will lead to change in politics: Shii (July 13, 2007) Party heads fail to speak of poverty or constitutional revision (July 13, 2007) All municipal assemblies in Nagasaki Pref. have adopted resolution calling for treaty banning nuclear weapons (July 12, 2007)