List of Past issues ASDF F-2s conduct overseas joint training with U.S. F-16s for first time (June 26, 2007) Naha City Assembly protests against fuel leakage in U.S. base (June 26, 2007) Withdraw order to distort history in textbooks![Editorial] (June 25, 2007) JCP holds rally to secure victory in Upper House election
(June 25, 2007) U.S. House committee passes sex slave resolution: failure of pro-Yasukuni forces (June 24, 2007) Ruling block forcibly extends Diet session (June 23, 2007) Okinawa Prefectural Assembly unanimously declares military forced Okinawans into ‘mass suicide’ (June 23, 2007) JCP Ogata visits Cuban embassy to express condolences (June 23, 2007) Ruling coalition repeatedly force passage of adverse bills: abnormality in the Diet (June 22, 2007) JCI cancels contract with education ministry for program to show pro-Yasukuni DVD in schools (June 22, 2007) Environmental assessment of controversial expressway construction in ancient capital is conducted by companies hiring former Infrastructure Ministry bureaucrats (June 22, 2007) Three adverse education bills forcibly enacted (June 21, 2007) Tokyo teachers in ‘Kimigayo’ suit to appeal to higher court (June 21, 2007) Bill to extend SDF deployment to Iraq forcibly enacted (June 21, 2007) Tunnel workers formally settle with the state (June 21, 2007) JCP Ichida criticizes ruling parties for repeatedly railroading bills (June 20, 2007) Okinawa Prefectural Assembly Committee unanimously adopts draft resolution protesting against government textbook screening policy (June 20, 2007) 'Life-risking lawsuits' (June 20, 2007) Abe Cabinet budget policy outline suggests consumption tax hike (June 20, 2007) 12,000 participants resolved to achieve JCP advance in Upper House election: JCP speech meeting in Tokyo (June 19, 2007) JCP Ichida expresses opposition to extending Diet session to enact adverse bills (June 19, 2007) Tunnel workers agree with government to settle lawsuits over work-related lung disease (June 19, 2007) Okinawans rally against construction of U.S. helipads (June 18, 2007) Osaka Prefectural panel calls on assembly members to return policy research funds of 340 million yen (June 18, 2007) U.S. demands more than 100 facilities be newly built or improved at Iwakuni base (June 17, 2007) JCP publishes its House of Councilors election manifesto (June 16, 2007) P.E.N. calls for an end to SDF monitoring of the public (June 16, 2007) 90,000 signatures submitted in protest against government attempt to distort history of the battle of Okinawa (June 16, 2007) SDF must immediately stop illegal surveillance of citizens’ activities: JCP rally (June 15, 2007) Rally participants criticize SDF surveillance of their activities (June 15, 2007) Politicians, bureaucrats, and businesses must stop sponging off pension premiums: JCP Koike (June 15, 2007) Lower House passes bill to revise the Political Funds Control Law (June 15, 2007) Tunnel workers’ court struggle has forced the government to take measures to prevent lung damage[Editorial] (June 15, 2007) LDP Upper House leader received 20 million yen in donations from member firms of organization involved in bid-rigging scandal (June 14, 2007) Pro-Yasukuni forces set up parliamentarian league to press China (June 14, 2007) Japan-U.S. joint command in action at Yokota AB (June 14, 2007) LDP factions’ party tickets were mostly bought by major corporations (June 13, 2007) Democratic organizations urge Defense Ministry to discontinue surveillance of citizens (June 13, 2007) New farm minister received donations suspected to be illegal (June 13, 2007) JCP Ichida on G8 Summit (June 12, 2007) G8 Summit agreement will be tested by whether participating countries can take effective measures[Editorial] (June 10, 2007) Okinawans rally against history textbook revision (June 10, 2007) Japan Peace Committee Congress calls for increased efforts in defense of Constitution (June 10 & 12, 2007) JCP revelation of SDF surveillance of the public receives widespread press coverage (June 9, 2007) JCP Takahashi calls for establishment of national minimum wage system with hourly wage of 1,000 yen ( June 9, 2007) Shii criticizes government response to SDF monitoring of the public (June 8, 2007) Government panel calls for further slashing of social welfare programs[Editorial] (June 8, 2007) Bill to revise public service law pushed through Lower House ( June 8, 2007) 'SDF monitored civil movement,' JCP Shii reveals (June 7, 2007) 14.3 million more pension records reported as unidentified (June 7 & 8, 2007)