List of Past issues For whom did Abe say the Japan-U.S. Security Treaty is ‘irreplaceable’?[Editorial] (April 29, 2007) Proposal for a Declaration of a Nuclear Weapon-Free Japan (April 28, 2007) Constitutional revision procedure bill is in a mess: JCP Shii (April 27, 2007) ASDF mission in Iraq almost entirely devoted to supporting US forces (April 27, 2007) Gensuikyo launches movement calling on Japanese government to declare Japan ‘nuclear weapon-free’ (April 27, 2007) JCP May Day slogans (April 27, 2007) Cabinet establishes advisory council to pave the way for exercising collective self-defense right (April 26, 2007) Shii discusses JCP’s political tasks in preparation for Upper House election (April 26, 2007) At public hearings speakers call for careful discussion on constitutional revision procedure bill (April 25, 2007) Maritime SDF deployment to Indian Ocean extended for half year (April 25, 2007) Lower House begins discussions on extension of SDF deployment to Iraq (April 25, 2007) Amid drastic reduction in local assembly seats, JCP made progress: JCP statement (April 24, 2007) Ogata attends Bangladesh National Day reception (April 24, 2007) JCP Shii calls for a society rejecting violence (April 22, 2007) JCP Dietmember calls on government to put end to employers’ unfair use of foreign ‘trainees’ (April 21, 2007) Bill to adversely revise Juvenile Law passed through Lower House (April 20, 2007) Part-timers bill passed through Lower House (April 20, 2007) JCP Nihi criticizes undemocratic nature of constitutional revision procedure bill (April 19, 2007) Time to show zero tolerance for violence (April 19, 2007) Ogata meets with CPV Science and Technology Council chair (April 19, 2007) JCP Nihi raps ruling parties for their rush to enact bill to establish constitutional revision procedures (April 18, 2007) Documents showing military’s coercion in wartime sex slavery uncovered (April 18, 2007) Bills to allow state to interfere in education must be scrapped: JCP Ishii (April 18, 2007) LDP intends to start discussion on consumption tax hike after Upper House election (April 17, 2007) JMIU calls for establishment of foreign workers’ right to work (April 17, 2007) Constitutional revision procedure bill is undemocratic and must be scrapped: JCP Ichida (April 17, 2007) High court orders state compensation for base noise pollution (April 17, 2007) Defend local small business shopping areas as community property[Editorial] (April 16, 2007) National achievement test: Government aims at neo-liberal reform in education (April 15, 2007) JCP Ichida calls on Okinawans to support to JCP-backed candidates in Upper House and Ginowan City mayoral elections (April 15, 2007) Two major adverse bills bulldozed through Lower House (April 14, 2007) Government starts studies on right of collective self-defense[Editorial] (April 14, 2007) Bill to establish procedures for constitutional revision rammed through Lower House committee (April 13, 2007) 5,000 people rally against bill to establish procedures for constitutional revision (April 13, 2007) U.S. forces realignment bill passes Lower House committee (April 13, 2007) JCP Chair Shii holds talks with Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao (April 13, 2007) Ichida attends reception welcoming Chinese Premier (April 13, 2007) ‘Jobs bank’ goes against calls for a ban on officials’ ‘parachuting’ to private sector[Editorial] (April 12, 2007) JCP is engaged in fierce contests in latter half of local elections (April 12, 2007) ‘Prompt critical’ suspected at Shika N-plant (April 12, 2007) Shii attends banquet for Chinese premier (April 12, 2007) Ogata meets Venezuelan ambassador to Japan (April 12, 2007) 22 local bar associations express opposition to hasty enactment of constitutional revision procedures bill (April 11, 2007) Rightist Dietmembers intending to completely rewrite Preamble and Article 9 of Constitution (April 11, 2007) Local JCP working for reduction in burden of national health insurance premium (April 13, 2007) Association for Non-nuclear Government calls for government effort for nuclear weapons abolition (April 11, 2007) Labor Ministry uses staffing agency while instructing it to end illegal practices (April 11, 2007) JCP issues statement on results of first half of nationwide simultaneous local elections (April 10, 2007) JCP-backed candidate loses Tokyo gubernatorial election (April 9, 2007) Local assemblies state objections to bill to establish procedures for constitutional revision (April 9, 2007)