List of Past issues JCP Inoue joins online international forum to discuss creating world without nuclear weapons (May 23, 2021) LDP bulldozes through hospital bed reduction bill in midst of expansion of COVID-19 emergency (May 22, 2021) Bill that hinders juvenile offenders from reentering society enacted (May 22, 2021) 200K signatures calling for better medical, nursing-care and welfare programs submitted to Diet (May 21, 2021) Union workers at Osaka hospital win settlement in lawsuit in dispute over 230 million yen in unpaid overtime wages (May 21, 2021) Shii issues statement regarding latest Israel-Palestinian crisis (May 21, 2021) DefMin puts pressure on critical media reporting on vaccine booking system flaws (May 20, 2021) Unified efforts by opposition parties working with public movement activists block adverse revision of immigration law: Shii (May 19, 2021) Agreement concluded between plaintiffs and government in construction asbestos lawsuits (May 18 & 19, 2021) International efforts urgently needed to cease Israel-Hamas hostilities[Editorial] (May 18, 2021) Majority of Japanese call for postponement or cancellation of Tokyo Olympic Games (May 18, 2021) Shiokawa demands that gov't compensate coronavirus-affected nursing-care facilities for their losses in earnings (May 17, 2021) Progressive forum celebrates 40th anniversary of its founding (May 16, 2021) Gov’t adds 3 more prefectures to COVID-19 emergency declaration (May 15, 2021) JCP approves CDPJ/LDP-drafted amendments to LGBT bill (May 15, 2021) Tokyo JCP in its campaign pledges includes cancellation of Summer Games (May 14, 2021) Union asks for JCP cooperation to push gov’t to compensate hospitals for coronavirus-caused loss of earnings (May 14, 2021) Digital reform bills enacted, allowing use of personal data 'for moneymaking' (May 13, 2021) Solidarity flags sent from antinuke group in Kobe to S. Korea’s peace march (May 13, 2021) Diet debate started on bill to surveil residents living in vicinity of bases (May 12, 2021) JCP resolves to work to scrap adverse revision of immigration law in cooperation with other opposition parties (May 11, 2021) Japan-US-France joint military drills held amid pandemic (May 11, 2021) Gov't will restart 40-year-old N-reactors, ignoring safety concerns[Editorial] (May 9, 2021) States of emergency extended till May 31 (May 8, 2021) Over 230K signatures calling for cancellation of Tokyo Summer Games collected in 3 days (May 7 & 8, 2021) LDP-proposed bill to revise National Referendum Law approved at Lower House Constitution Commission (May 7, 2021) 3-month-long antinuke Peace March begins calling for Japan to sign and ratify TPNW (May 7, 2021) Listen to children's needs amid pandemic and ensure them bright future[Editorial] (May 5, 2021) JCP Secretariat Head issues statement on occasion of Constitution Day (May 3 & 4, 2021) 2021 May Day rallies appeal for need to replace gov’t to protect lives and jobs during pandemic (May 2, 2021) Tokyo organizers intend to force schoolchildren to attend the Summer Games without protection against COVID-19 (May 2, 2021) Young people rally to oppose revision of Immigration Control Act that runs counter to refugee protection (May 1, 2021) Five parties including IOC reluctant to face up to severity of pandemic situation in Japan (April 30, 2021) ‘Sofagate’ incident prompts female politicians to strengthen their fight for gender equality (April 29, 2021) Japanese family farmers protest Diet approval of RCEP (April 29, 2021) JCP&CDPJ agree to begin discussions on electoral cooperation in general election (April 28, 2021) JCP Kira attends youth-hosted forum for discussion on free higher education (April 28, 2021) Mobilization of many nurses to Summer Games during pandemic will weaken Japan’s healthcare system (April 25 & 27, 2021) Olympic-related events to be held amid ongoing coronavirus restrictions (April 27, 2021) Ogata talks with CPV int'l commission head (April 27, 2021) Joint opposition candidates beat LDP in 3 national elections (April 26, 2021) JCP urges gov't to cut GHG emissions by more than 50% (April 24, 2021) Adequate compensation should be promptly provided to businesses adversely affected by coronavirus emergency in Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto, and Hyogo (April 24, 2021) Civil group working for Japan-China friendship protests PM Suga’s offering to Yasukuni Shrine (April 24, 2021) Over 100K signatures submitted opposing adverse revisions of Immigration Law (April 23, 2021) Gov't considers applying war laws in event of Taiwan crisis (April 22, 2021) Non-regular hotel workers fighting for compensation for their unfair dismissals (April 22, 2021) Newspaper workers/journalists demand immediate release of Japanese journalist detained in Myanmar (April 22, 2021) JCP Fujino calls for probe into Sri Lankan woman's death in detention (April 22, 2021) Tokyo court: separate-surname couple marrying abroad legally recognized as married couple in Japan (April 22, 2021)