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2024 July 24 - 30 [SOCIAL ISSUES]

Hyogo citizens’ efforts successfully scrap event exposing children to SDF drills

July 24, 2024
Akahata has learned that pushed by efforts made by the New Japan Women's Association (Shinfujin) and other civil groups, the Hyogo Prefectural government decided to cancel a public social education center event where children can experience Self-Defense Forces’ drills.

The controversial event co-hosted by the Hyogo Prefectural Ureshinodai Lifelong Education Center and the SDF Aonohara Garrison was scheduled to take place on August 1 and designed to offer children a chance to see SDF equipment and experience training exercises such as marching and camouflage face painting.

The Shinfujin Hyogo local on July 5 submitted to the prefectural government a written request demanding that the event that invites children to receive military training in which they are allowed to hold guns be cancelled. The Shinfujin document pointed out that it is inappropriate for the prefecture’s lifelong learning facility to provide such an experience program promoting the military.

In addition, a civil group in Hyogo Prefecture working on education-related issues on July 17 made a similar request to the prefectural authority.

Two days later, the Ureshinodai Lifelong Education Center on its website announced the cancellation of the event. The prefectural government declared that it will not provide to the SDF a list of names of those who were interested in attending the event.
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