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2024 July 31 - August 6 [POLITICS]

JCP Yamazoe: Extended deterrence conflicts with establishing ‘world without nuclear weapons’

July 31, 2024
Japanese Communist Party lawmaker Yamazoe Taku, at a meeting of the Upper House Committee on Foreign Affairs and Defense on July 30, asked how Prime Minister Kishida’s call for a “world without nuclear weapons” can be consistent with the strengthening of the extended deterrence agreed upon two days ago in Japan-U.S. “2+2” ministerial talks.

Foreign Minister Kamikawa Yoko responded, “There is no contradiction between ensuring the country’s national security, including U.S. extended deterrence, and working toward the goal of establishing a ‘world without nuclear weapons’.” She, however, could not provide any basis for her claim that “there is no contradiction.”

Yamazoe noted that the 2+2 joint statement published on July 28 does not mention nuclear disarmament at all, either the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) or the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT). He pointed out, “Implying a nuclear arms race in progress by naming China, North Korea, and Russia is running counter to calls for nuclear disarmament.”

Past related article:
> JCP Koike criticizes 2+2 for strengthening expanded deterrence [July 29, 2024]
> List of Past issues
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