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2024 August 21 - 27 TOP3 [JCP]

Shii answers questions from high school students

August 25, 2024

Japanese Communist Party Central Committee Chair Shii Kazuo on August 24 answered questions from high school students when they visited the JCP head office in Tokyo from around Japan and spoke about the significance of expanding “free time” and about the JCP vision of a future society in which “human freedom” will flourish.

A student complained that they have no time to do what they like under the excessively competitive education system. Shii said, “The business circle has been interfering in the government’s education policy in order to separate children through competition and turn them into profit-making tools. The government, at the business circle’s behest, has been imposing on schools measures to focus more intensely on competitive education.” Shii, however, cited that Finland, for example, eliminated competitive education based on formulaic test results and became the most academically-advanced country in the world.

To the question, “How can we reach out to those around us who say ‘nothing will change’?” Shii replied, “It is important to connect with people through your club/circle activities and have conversations with them on a variety of topics.” He said that in order to develop oneself during “free time”, not only individual efforts but also rich social interactions are important. He added, “I hope you will use your ‘free time’ to achieve your intellectual and emotional growth, as well as to enrich your own development through circle activities and interactions with friends.”

To the question, “What if the JCP becomes the ruling party and Japan becomes communist?” Shii replied, “Our party does not endorse the concept of suddenly turning Japan into a communist country. As first reforms, we call for an end to Japan’s subordination to the United States and also to policies currently favoring only the business world and large corporations. Only after these reforms are done can we propose to the public that Japan proceed to socialism only after obtaining the consent of the majority of the general populate.” He said that in order to expand “free time”, it is important to fight for shorter working hours even under capitalism. He added that if Japan chooses to move toward socialism and communism, “working hours will be dramatically reduced due to the elimination of exploitation and waste,” and he explained the mechanism of how this would happen.

In response to a student who said, “If global warming continues at this rate, I think it will also harm capitalists,” Shii said that curbing global warming is a pressing issue that must be tackled without delay even under capitalism, and that many European business communities are aware of that urgency and are playing important roles in combatting climate change. He, at the same time, said, “If the people come to think that capitalism has limitations in fundamentally combating global warming, then an alternative to capitalism will arise and be added to the agenda of humanity.”

Asked, “What can we do to get our friends go to vote and learn about politics?” Shii responded, “You can have discussions with your friends like the one we are now having.” He called on the participating students to talk and have discussions with various people on themes such as “human freedom” and “free time”.

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