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2024 August 28 - September 3 [JCP]

JCP Kokuta explains JCP ‘Proposals for Peace Creation in East Asia’ to Chinese Communist Party

August 30, 2024

Japanese Communist Party member of the House of Representatives Kokuta Keiji, as a member of the Japan-China Parliamentarians' Friendship League delegation, visited China between August 27 and 29 and attended meetings with Communist Party of China (CPC) leadership members.

At a meeting with Liu Jianchao, who heads the International Department of the CPC Central Committee, on August 27, Kokuta referred to the JCP “Proposals for Peace Creation in East Asia”.

Kokuta pointed out that in the proposals, the JCP places importance on the Joint Statement agreed upon in the 2008 Japan-China summit, which confirmed that the two sides recognized that they are partners who cooperate together and are not threats to each other. As another thing the JCP sees as important, he pointed out that regarding the issue of the Senkaku Islands (known as the Pinnacle Islands or the Diaoyu Islands in China), Tokyo and Beijing in 2014 recognized that they had different views and agreed to settle the issue “through dialogue and consultation.” Kokuta said, “The role to be played by Japan and China toward peace and stability in East Asia is important.”

Liu in response said that he once again realized that holding dialogue is important and that it is necessary to resolve issues through consultation.

On August 28, at a meeting with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, who is also CPC Central Committee Political Bureau member, Kokuta introduced the JCP “proposals” and said that Japan and China should engage in extensive dialogue.

Past related article:
> Shii publishes JCP diplomatic proposal for peacebuilding in East Asia [April 18, 2024]

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