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2024 September 4 - 10 [POLITICS]

Only 9 piles have been driven into the soft seafloor on Henoko base project

September 8, 2024

Only nine piles called “steel pipe sheet piles”, which are necessary for soft-ground stabilization work to construct a seawall in preparation for the construction of a new U.S. base in Okinawa’s Henoko area, have been driven, as of September 6.

The government commenced the construction of “Seawall A” on August 20 on the north side of Oura Bay where soft ground prevails. According to the Okinawa Defense Bureau, the construction of “Seawall A” needs about 1,000 steel pipes.

If the present pace continues, the construction period for Seawall A will far exceed the government’s estimate of about four years.

The government explains that it will take 12 years to complete the new U.S. military base at Henoko in Nago City, Okinawa Prefecture. However, it is said that improving the mayonnaise-like unstable seafloor, 90 meters below the sea surface at the deepest point, will be impossible with the current available technology.

The recklessness of the new base construction project, which has no prospect of safe and timely completion, is again being exposed.

Past related article:
> JCP Koike: Full-scale construction work on US military base at Henoko must be stopped immediately! [August 21, 2024]

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