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2009 July 1 - 7 [ELECTION]

JCP asks Japanese mass media for fair coverage

July 3, 2009
With the House of Representatives general election drawing near, the Japanese Communist Party Central Committee is requesting that the national newspapers and TV networks be fair and equitable in their election coverage.

JCP Press Service Department Head Ueki Toshio on July 2 visited newspapers and broadcasters headquartered in Tokyo.

In his meetings with representatives of media organizations at their respective offices, Ueki pointed out that amid the serious economic downturn, many people want politics to play a responsible role in showing how the present hardships will be ended and are more interested than ever in the upcoming House of Representatives general election.

He said that newspapers and TV, which are providing information to the public everyday, should demonstrate fair and equitable reporting concerning the general election.

In response to the JCP request, a representative of a media organization said, “As the JCP points out, it is inappropriate for the media to focus only on the issue of a change in power. Based on lessons from the 2005 House of Representatives general election in which mass media made the issue of postal privatization the only issue, it is necessary to avoid the same situation by closely examining the election platform of each party.” - Akahata, July 3, 2009
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